
Andreas Baden from Kiel will participate in the 2028 Vendée Globe

Andreas Baden from Kiel will participate in the 2028 Vendée Globe

Kiel. It is a night time, as well as Andreas Baden das Telefon klingelt. In der Leitung: das andere Ende der Welt. Vendée-Globe-Skipper Sébastien Simon sets out for the Southern Ocean. If a mitten is drunk in the camp of the Spitze des Solo-Weltrennens, it is implied that a Sturmtief heran – ausgerechnet jetzt zickt der Autopilot. The 34-year-old Franzose braucht dringend Support vom Kieler. He is the specialist in electricity and electronics in the technical team of the Dubreuil von Simon Group.

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Sofort Springt Andreas Baden an den Schreibtisch, zieht die Schalt- und Modulplane der Yacht hervor. He himself has the electricity and electronics of the yacht at Kopf. After throwing away the garbage, the skipper carried out an analysis and a repair plan for the intervention and its ferngesteuert on the edge of the handles set for loading.

Die Zeit drängt. With the storms traveling and the Southern Ocean before the Bug, Sébastien Simon was in a complete autopilot fall into the lake, in the upper position at a standstill. Von Hand is the yacht nur kurze Zeit zu steuern. The Ersatz-Autopilot does not have the same legislation as the Hauptgerät, the data and information available on the website. You will be able to download a backup file. Have a gut idea of ​​what the world is about.

Baden macht die Ansagen, der Skipper setzt um

The problem: the skipper cannot have the captain. If the autopilot falls twice, three times the studies take place, then the work takes place at the same stage. And system log analysis lasts for 30 days. Sensors, modules and connected devices are located in the Bordnetzwerk. Was this also verursacht den Ausfall?

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Der Plan heißt: schrittweise vorgehen! Baden macht die Ansagen, Simon an Bord setzt um. The cable werden überprüft, die Verbindungen gecheckt. Is this Stromversorgung? Doch in all diesen Punkten war die Yacht perfekt vom Technik-Team vorbereitet et weist keine Fehler auf.

Where is the Fehler? For Ferndidiagnose, Andreas Baden must be responsible for the management of the autopilots by Sébastien Simon.

Simon and the einzelnen Geräte des Netzwerkes also had to run. Next time you see the Verbindungen, you must leave it to the end. Schließlich is an identified Störenfried. Doch der Job is not yet available. Mit Bordmitteln muss das Gerät ersetzt werden. Am the end of the operation after the day and night.

Anfang december, kurz bevor die heftigsten Böen auf the Yacht einprügeln, läuft das System wieder. Sébastien Simon stops on Platz 2. It’s Überraschung this Vendée Globe. Beim vorherigen Solo-Weltrennen must be French noch in Kapstadt aufgeben, but Ocean Race gehörte er zum gebeutelten, deutsch-französischen Guyot-Team, because it is not until Ziel schaffte.

Sébastien Simon’s Groupe Dubreuil has become one of the best yachts in the 2024/25 Vendée Globe.

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Jetzt pusht er seine Yacht zu Höchstleistungen. I’m in South America and have a new speed record, 24 hour best for a solo run at 615.33 kilometers (1139.6 kilometers). Now you can contact the Steuerbord-Foils directly by contacting Simon and contact us directly at the location three.

Seit Sommer is this month, Andreas Baden is one of the small teams of a Simon. The Dubreuil Group found an electronics and rigging manufacturer and manufactured it within 35 years. The first tests on the professional circuit of the Imoca class against Kieler will take place in 2023. Auf Vermittlung de Offshore Team Germany war est bei Fabrice Amedeo an Bord gegangen, segelte mit ihm das Transatlantikrennen TJV.

Expertise in various elaborate projects

Seine Expertise for modern Rennyachten hat sich der studio Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftler seit 13 days in various Segelprojekten geholt. 2019 will be the German master on the border of the Intermezzo, which will take place at the Gotland Runt and the Middle Sea Race, the big offshore races at Ostsee and Mittelmeer, 2023 will be for the TJV with the Rafale in an Atlantikrennen project.

“I have to do everything, the man is not auf See haben will – three Mastbrüche, Wassereinbrüche, Elektronik-Blackouts. So I also have the Erfahrung, like the man with this situation umgeht,” said Baden.

In Sables d’Olonne, Andreas Baden will be present on the Vendée Globe circuit.

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Die Combination aus höchstem Technik- und Segelverständnis soll ihn un selbst in den Pilotensessel einer Vendée-Globe-Yacht führen. Thanks to the intervention of Sébastien Simon, it is one of the modern boots of the Grund auf Kennengelernt fleet, which took place in July 2000, seen from the Atlantic.

Denn das Team brauchte in der Vorbereitung nicht nur einen Techniker, sondern auch einen Mitsegler: “I know that jeden Winkel des Bootes. This is a very active company for my greater participation and the big world, a clean campaign,” said Baden, of his wisdom with a Zahl von Followern auf Social Media Sowie as author of the Wassersportmagazin Float teilt.

Activities for the organization: Ocean Race and Vendée Globe

The following information: For the Ocean Race Europe, a crew will be present during the fleet on August 10 in Kiel for the Rennes race departing from Europe. Danach hofft is also one of our own Teams. Even if the lights are under the hood, there are some other parts of the bag, but modern Imocas are still in use.

Doch der Traum lebt. “Wie großartig wäre es, meinen 40. Geburtstag auf hoher See zu feiern?”, Fragt Baden. This meeting dates from Weihnachten 2028, and the trip for the Southern Ocean festival in the Vendée Globe races.
