
“Wer wird Millionär?” » -The candidate really cares about the horror film

“Wer wird Millionär?” » -The candidate really cares about the horror film

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Während eines Tauchtrips auf den Malediven bangte eine “Wer wird Millionär?” – Teilnehmerin um ihr Leben. You embody a situation like a horror film.

Cologne – The breast candidate of Günther Jauch (68) has already taken the handle of Abenteuerliche history, while Dagmar Salecic-Reichhold was for a day a role of moderator of RTL. For the first time I am invited to two “Are we going to become millionaires?” » – The weekend specials (December 25 and 26) were released by a horror drop, which took place in the hand of a horror film.

Horror im Urlaub: “Wer wird Millionär?” » – Kandidatin mitten im Seeing you

Before the sausage falls on the price of 16,000 euros, Günther Jauch tells you: “Horrorgeschichte aus ihrem Urlaub” zu erzählen. Dagmar Salecic-Reichhold started and was named by an Urlaub in the Maldives, with a single Tag Hinaus aufs Meer zu a Korallenriff for a Schnorcheln ging. Doch inmitten des Ozeans wartete eine böse Überraschung auf die “Wer wird Millionär?” »-Kandidatin and ihren Mann.

“So the man does not lie down and the man does not want to have the capital in the game and the start is not bigger”, erzählt sie. Schnell sei Panik aufgekommen. You must “erbärmlich geweint” and “aus meinem Schnorchel rausgeflennt”. Your man must be comfortable, his head inside the generated effect applies: “What I do now is more effective. I love you, when you come down again, and you’re also anxious.

“Wer wird Millionär?” » – The candidate is elected responsible for “Open Water” each time

Zu german Überfluss habe sich dann auch noch ihr Knie auf dem Riff aufgeschlagen, so die Österreicherin weiter. “It’s the same time of the day”, if you want to know what you’re doing – it’s about what you’re doing. I think I’ll come across the 2003 American horror film “Open Water”, which has some real stories to watch. Auch in ce film wird ein Paar auf hoher See vergesen et daraufhin schon schon bald von un hungrigen Schwarm Haie umringt. There is a budget of US$130,000 for a film that cost US$55 million.

This “We are millionaires?” » – Should the candidate be able to follow the general direction of the 2003 American thriller “Open Water” (right: see the scene from the film). © Screenshot/RTL/RTL+/Wer wird Millionär? Das Weihnachts-Special & EntertainmentPhotos/IMAGO

The script for the “Open Water” scenario is aimed at candidate Günther Jauch. There is a person who set about the work of a wig from the boot further – and at the same time Dagmar Salecic-Reichhold, his man and another Schnorchler, the events of their lives happened, a . In their Reisegruppe, the man from Schock falls in parallel with the Film Festival, therefore the Quiz-Kandidatin.

Neither these Gänsehaut-Erlebnis, sondern auch eine kuriose Technik-Panne brachten Günther Jauch im “Wer wird Millionär?”-Weihnachtsspecial zum Staunen. Use of sources: “Would we be millionaires? Das Weihnachts-Special (1. Weihnachtstag) » (RTL/RTL+),,

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