
3. Bonanza Radmobil Rad-Cross & Gravel Race in Gaustadt

3. Bonanza Radmobil Rad-Cross & Gravel Race in Gaustadt

An event for all Radsportbegeisterten

And now we’re in Gaustadt at Radsport-Hochburg: Der DJK Teutonia Gaustadt eV lädt zum 3. Bonanza Radmobil Rad-Cross & Gravel ein! The highlight of the years for every Radsportler – for vacation up to professional. Das Rennen wird am ASV/DJK Stadion Gaustadt ausgetragen et bietet a spannenden Mix aus Technik, Action et jeder Menge Spaß. During this year the event in the streets of the region, Fahrer aus dem gesamten Süddeutschen Raum werden erwartet, was das Rennen zu einem Regionalen Höhepunkt macht mit approximately 100 Teilnehmern and Teilnehmerinnen. These cyclo-cross courses are not common among Elite pilots, but also for students, young people and juniors as well as for other Masters 2 to 4. Die Strecke combine anspruchsvolle, fahrtechnische Passagen et schnelle Abschnitte, enthält Hindernisse wie Treppen, Acker and einen Steilhang. A journey of approximately 2 kilometers and 40 meters in height.

3. Rad-Cross & Gravel Race © Photo: Hans-Martin Issler

Doch das ist noch nicht alles! The Hobby class is often available, and it is available for you, also with MTB, Gravelbike or Crossrad. Beim Bonanza Radmobil Rad-Cross & Gravel zählt der Spaß am Radsport.

The organization of the event can be done online or for a racing loop up to a stage before the start of the jewelry before the start of the event. The Hobby class (Jedermann / -frau) starts at 1:20 p.m. and lasts less than 30 minutes. Im Hauptrennnen, at 2:20 p.m., left for the Elite men for 60 minutes on the streak. This is a high purchase price and medals!

Event organizer Felix Rohrbach came to Radsport in Bamberg and took care of the support. “We have the best water sports in the region and have a platform for everyone, the direction of public transportation for flying vehicles,” Rohrbach said. Le Bamberger Fahrradladen, Bonanza Radmobil, sorgt dabei für die nötige Unterstützung. The Veranstaltung is not intended for the driver, but it is also intended for the driver. Für das leibliche Wohl ist bestens gesorgt. How great it is, the fire of the atmosphere and the genius of the unique atmosphere in the stadium!

Info and information under:

Rennen Class Day Renndauer
Reindeer 1 Schüler U15 m/f 2011/2012 20 minutes
Schüler U13 m/f 2013/2014 10 minutes
Reindeer 2 Jugend U17 m/w 2009/2010 30 minutes
Master 4 m 1965 and. to modify 40 minutes
Master 3 m 1966-1975 40 minutes
Reindeer 3 Juniors U19 m/f 2007/2008 40 minutes
Women Elite / U23 2006 and. to modify 50 minutes
Master 2 m 1976-1985 40 minutes
Master Weiblich
Reindeer 4 Jedermann on January 16 2008 and. to modify 30 minutes
(Hobby ohne Lizenz)
Reindeer 5 Men Elite / Amateur / U23 2006 and. to modify 60 minutes