
Helene Fischer took advantage of the Jauchs quiz break

Helene Fischer took advantage of the Jauchs quiz break

The Heiligabend-Verlauf

Durch die Bescherung hat sich die Fernsehnutzung an Heiliabend auf den späteren Abend verschoben. Das zeigt sich vor allem bei “Kevin – Allein zu Haus” sehr gut: The film initially shot for 10 p.m. within its high Reichweite eingefahren. Also “Der Herr der Ringe” will be on the ProSieben will continue to be recorded – yesterday the Peak was first time 22:30 Uhr erreicht.

The publication date of All Eyes on Screens was announced recently, by the ARD with the “Feuerzangenbowle”, until 10:30 p.m., until one day a trip and a group trip, until the classic s approach of a single absolute group.


Der Verlauf vom 1. Weihnachtstag

On the 1st anniversary weekend, “Kevin” fans came to the house. The biggest winnings in the life of events are those of Günther Jauch, dessen Weihnachts-Special von “Wer wird Millionär?” There are often difficult situations and situations that will allow you to discover an alternative robot once again. The Tatsächlich war der Reichweiten-Höchstwert first arrived at 10:30 p.m. – but they also hosted the RTL-Show today for many TV fans.

Auffällig: When “WWM” is paused in the web break, the Reichweite of the “Helene Fischer Show” is broadcast on ZDF – at 8:45 p.m. there is a very offensive day on RTL-Zuschauer zur Musikshow.


Here all eyes are on Screens-Kurven: Sie sie, anders als die AGF-Zahlen, nicht bevölkerungsrepräsentativ. If we also have not yet a hand in one Panels gewichtetet and high-resolution, these are also some of the gems that are used to run a Million of 13 Million Vodafone-Haushalten wieder. More information on these dates is here. The sending of goods is also necessary for the heights of the Reichweitenkurven zueinander as well as for the internal entry of a sender and the erkenntnisse zu Umschaltzeitpunkten.

Daily TV Market Reach


Der Daily Reach gives the example of the premium TV center Vodafone-TV to the websites and sponsorship positions of a sales market – also a website of the Tages.

Web ranking: P&G ranks in the Top 10

Am 1. Weihnachtstag war Amazon die reichweitenstärkste Marke in den Werbeblöcken. 134.32 XRP compared to Reichweite. Stark War features Performance by Procter & Gamble: Many brands – notably Wick, Lenor, Pampers, Always and Ariel – appeared in the Top 10.


All Eyes on Screens is online for the classification of a list of all spots on German television ausgestrahlten Werbespots zusammen and permitted for these in summer there are numerous spots on a brand in the Gemessenen Vodafone-Haushalten. This is the second Reichweite der balancegenüblichen Werbeinselreichweite and Grundlage dient, spricht All Eyes on Screens von XRP (Exact Rating Points). This is a product of the Brutto-Reichweiten handelt which is intended for the Einzel-Reichweite jeder Ausstrahlung aufaddiert. When checking: there is a place where there is a problem and there is jewelry near the Vodafone Hausalte shopping center, which is intended for the use of Tag 50 XRP – while the shopping center is in progress.