
Maskierte Männer sind noch auf freeiem Fuß

Maskierte Männer sind noch auf freeiem Fuß

On October 13, 2024, two masked men traveled 6 feet above the Windsor-Anwesens area where Prince William, Princess Kate and their children were in the vicinity.

© Karwai Tang@Getty Images

Einbruch, Royals, Windsor, Prinz William, Prinzessin Catherine, Kate

Of course, two masked people woke up, as on October 13, at the time of Windsor, Prince William and his family in their Adelaide Cottage found themselves a meter close to the Tatort. Die Einbrecher kletterten über den Zaun, um in das Anwesen zu gelangen, nur wenige Tage nachdem die Sun Sunday Berichtet hatte, dass bewaffnete Polizist:innen von den Haupteingängen abgezogen worden waren. Die Verdächtigen sind noch auf friem Fuß, die Ermittlungen dauern an.

Two masked men brachen in conversation in Windsor ein

The police recently started working, one way or another, October 13, 2024, started the day. Two masked men have found their clothes on the ground, and they are on the right side of the street.

A speech from the special police, the bisher does not ask for words of his own. The speech further says:

On Sunday, October 13, he arrived at 11:45 p.m. A trip in a lorry on the Crown Estate near the A308 in Windsor. Die Täter settles in a local business and vehicle with a black Isuzu pickup and a roten quad. Anschließend flüchteten sie en Richtung Old Windsor/Datchet. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wurden keine Festnahmen vorgenommen, die Ermittlungen dauern an.

Der Einbruch ereignete sich kurz nachdem die Sun Sunday enthüllt hatte, dass bewaffnete Polizeiwachen von den beiden Haupteingängen von Schloss Windsor entfernt worden waren. He died on October 13 for a man in the store, who died. That’s what I said, that is to say that Beamt:innen weiterhin auf dem Gelände patrolillieren. Laut der Sun Sollen die Einbrecher ein gestohlenes Fahrzeug benutzt haben, um das Sicherheitstor einzuschlagen. You can even find a Pick-up and a Quad in Davon, which also has a Scheune gestohlen hatten.

Prince William and his family schliefen in der Nähe

The masked men work on the Shaw farm, in an inner rural area of ​​the castles security zone. King Charles and King Camilla have not announced this point in time about the response to the announcement, but Prince William, Kate Middleton and their children (their travel bags came up with ideas) arrived in their Adelaide Cottage. The house of the family is still in full swing for a minute and a half. Prince William and his family have often heard, like the zerstörte Tor benutzen, that their home is close.

A single source of information Sun über den Einbruch et darüber, wie gut diebe vorbereitet waren:

At Windsor Castle there is an alarm, after the first misfortune, a single journey man took place, the war, as well as security at the Shaw farm gate by the farm gate . Die Schranke must settle there, because of its harsh war. It’s a dream in a school, so the young princes and princesses in the Adelaide Cottage, live in the Ecke, still today in Gelände, to bet on the future.

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Using Quellen:

Mirror: Masked men raid Windsor Castle grounds while ‘William, Kate and the kids sleep at home’

The Sun: ROYAL RAID Windsor Castle security scares as masked men raid estate while William, Kate and their children sleep at home

Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Ohmymag France