
Computers, networks – Unterschied zwischen Hub et Switch

Computers, networks – Unterschied zwischen Hub et Switch

In the modern world, computers and networks are accessible. You can use communication and information in a context environment – ​​from knowledge work to support. Die Art und Weise, comme Computer miteinander verbunden sind, hängt von der Netzwerkinfrastruktur ab. Two components are at your disposal sind der Hub and der To changeoften die in Netzwerkumgebungen verwendet werden. In this article we provide you with information about computers, network installations and the underlying hub and switch.

Was it a computer?

Also we are jetzt blöd klingt. Ein Computer It is an electronic device, the dates are displayed, specified and ausgibt. It is better to have more components, namely:

  • Central unit (CPU): Sie verarbeitett Daten und führt Berechnungen durch.
  • Arbeitsspeicher (RAM): Speichert temporäre Daten und Program, die gerade verwendet werden.
  • Storage media: Selection platters, SSD or other storage devices, the data is longfristig speichern.
  • One and more devices: Tastatur, Maus, Monitor and Drucker are examples of devices, which interact with a computer.

The modern computer has network services, established date, communication and server or Internet access. In a computer network, you can use these tools to achieve them.

Was it a network?

Ein Network It is a computer system and other devices, which contain information on topics and resources for users. Local, regional or global services are available:

  • LAN (Local Area Network): a local network, created in a company or organization.
  • WAN (Wide Area Network): A geographic network that is also used in other areas, such as the Internet.
  • WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network): A local network, through a local area network, using a cable to use.

Das Hauptziel eines Netzwerks ist die Kommunikation et der Austausch von Daten zwischen verschiedenen Geräten. An effective network management, if specialized Geräte erforderlich, die Kommunikation zwischen den Computern anderen Geräten erleichtern.

Unterchied zwischen Hub and Switch

A hub and a switch are next to the device, which is used in the network, in a computer or in a laptop, but you still need to do this at the space level. A way to obtain information that will allow you to generate a product:

Ein Hub This is a simple network administrator, starting from the date of a computer or device used, as well as all other computers or device used in the network. Es handelt sich um ein sogenanntes unintelligent GerätThis is a Kenntnis darüber hat, welches Gerät die Daten empfangen soll. When sending an intervention date, this information will be transmitted to all other agents in the network. The Hub also uses data and sends information to all devices, unabhängig davon, wer der Empfänger ist.

After a hub

  • Geringe Effizienz: Da der Hub alle Daten an alle Geräte weiterleitet, kommt es often zu Datenüberlastung et Collisionen im Netzwerk, insbesondere wenn viele Geräte gleichzeitig aktiv sind.
  • Security Risk: All services on the network can hit all dates listed, so they may be elusive in large networks.

Ein To change This is an intelligent network, a very efficient method for data processing. And also a “white” hub of the Switch, where the data is available, da er die MAC address (Media access control) jedes Geräts kennt. When sending a use date, place the switch in the internal table of the table, so that the installed date is well defined, and let go to that specific operation further. Dadurch wird die Kommunikation gezielt et efficient gestaltet.

Choose a switch

  • Bessere Leistung: Der Switch reduziert den Zwerkverkehr, indem er nur die notwendigen Daten et le richtige Gerät sendet. Das vermeidet Datenkollisionen et verbessert die Bandbreite des Netzwerks.
  • Security: The date of the Switch is not the same as the previous ones, but it is not possible to do so.
  • Skalierbarkeit: A switch is the best way for a larger network with old devices, so that data usage is efficient.

Zusamengefasst – Hub versus Switch

Merkmal Hub To change
Function Leitet Daten an alle Geräte weiter Leitet Daten nur an das richetige Gerät weiter
Intelligence Unintelligent Clever
Datenverkehr Kann zu Collisionen et Stau führen Verhindert Collisionen, verbessert die Effizienz
Security Wenig sicher, Daten sind für alle sichtbar Besser, nur das Zielgerät erhält die Daten
Skalierbarkeit An additional means for large network installations Best warranty for larger network installations
Free Gunstiger Teurer

Sowohl Hub also also To change If the network is used, the Switch is effective and easy to use. It is a hub for small, simple network in the transition war, the revolution of modern network technology Switch, which optimizes data management and communication between effective communication agencies. In the best modern networks, the Switch is used very quickly, which is larger and more complex for the best network solutions.
Die Auswahl zwischen einem Hub et einem Switch pendant in der Regel von der Größe et den Anforderungen des Netzwerks ab. A Hub can still be small, when network services are used, but for rapid use by professionals, a switch should be used.