
Monitor support: Full functions HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C & Co.

Monitor support: Full functions HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C & Co.

HDMI, USB-C, DisplayPort: you will find such a solution on this subject PC Or Monitor. Die Schnittstellen unterscheiden sich jedoch often erheblich. A USB-C charger with DisplayPort and Power Delivery function is not used in image and tone, so it is possible to charge data, network signals and laptops. Gaming Monitor With USB-C it’s easy – The connector is well compatible with the better suited DisplayPort. Warum? Das und more verrät dieser Ratgeber der wichtigsten Anschlüsse.

HDMI: perfect and perfect for consoles

“High Definition Multimedia Interface” is available for the monitor kit. Image and color are supported by HDMI, up to version 1.3 with maximum resolution in Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) with a frame rate of 60 Hz. With HDMI 1.4 and 4K (3840 x 2160 pixels) at 30 Hz. Richtig Spaß macht hauflösendes Arbeiten ab Version 2.0. with free transport 60 Hertz. Follow my most active power Version 2.1. Damn 120 Hertz In 4K-Auflösung drin, was insbesondere Gamern in die Karten game, die die volle Leistung von PlayStation 5 And Xbox Series swollen abrufen. We are not allowed to do this, because HDMI 2.1 is automatically installed at 8K for 60 frames for several seconds.

The Office-Monitors center offers two HDMI inputs. You can also use a USB-C port.


Damit der Monitor die Leistung auf the Straße bringen kann, reicht es nicht, dass seine Anschlüsse mit der jeweiligen Version versehen sind. Other cables and cables must be used by the Standard. Da Bringt es Nichts, Wenn der Monitor HDMI 2.1 supports graphics card with HDMI 2.0 output. An der Buchse selbst lassen sich weder Auflösung noch Bildwiederholfrequenz ablesen. Die erfahren Sie nur in den technischen Daten or in den Systemeinstellungen. In the most expensive notebooks or Ultrabooks greifen Hersteller übrigens zu Mini-HDMI – a technical identity, but a smaller version of the Anschlusses.

Sollten die Anschlüsse von Abspiel- und Anzeigegerät nicht übereinstimmen, gibt es ebenfalls eine Losung. You can adapt the adapter if you do not have any combinations. Wichtig zu wissen: Combinations allow you to quickly dive into an image, set a manchmal image support or background hunter. Beim Monitor- und/oder Notebook-Kauf achten Sie daher amen gleich auf übereinstimmende Anschlüsse.

Über Adapter lassen sichlüsse nahezu beliebig combinieren. Das geht teilweise auf Kosten von Bildwiederholrate et Auflösung.


If you haven’t done so, you can combine several combinations:

  • HDMI over DisplayPort
  • HDMI over Mini-DisplayPort
  • HDMI over Mini-HDMI
  • HDMI over USB-C
  • HDMI and VGA
  • HDMI and DVI

USB-C: the craftsman under the direction

Another monitor connector is USB-C. Until 2024, we will use European smartphones, tablets and cameras with an ausgestattet sein standard. The notebooks are two days longer. Dennoch sind bereits jetzt jetzt viele Geräte mit der neuen Anschlusstechnik ausgestattet. What’s a problem: USB-C is the most convenient connector for the monitor – neben einer Image and tone mittens DisplayPort technology Please note that your Notebooks are compatible with you. Datenübertragung. The function is suitable for Apples MacBook Pro or them Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Ultrawith an interesting USB-C variant named “Thunderbolt 4” above it. Via the PCI-Express bus, you can get flash data and an angelschlossene Festplatte übertragen monitor. Thunderbolt technology is also available for a Blitz near the USB-C socket. Besitzen Bildschirme and sogenanntes USB-C power delivery (USB-C-PD), let laptops adapt to support with Strom versorgen.

DisplayPort USB-C-Schnittstelle technology lets you get images and tons of information. This is a USB-C-PD port that can hold laptops with powerful supports.


Do you have a MacBook with a USB-C jack, but not an HDMI and DisplayPort jack on your monitor? Mittels passender Adapter kein Problem. Here is what follows:

  • USB-C to HDMI
  • USB-C over Mini-HDMI
  • USB-C over DisplayPort
  • USB-C over Mini-DisplayPort
  • USB-C over USB-A (as of today!)
  • USB-C over VGA
  • USB-C and DVI

DisplayPort: for PC gamers, the best Wahl

For gamers who like to travel DisplayPort vorbei. Next: You can find the version of German graphics: Version 1.2 supports HDMI-Alternative 240 Hertz in Full HD and 144 Hertz in WQHD (2,560×1,440 Pixel); in 4K, you will be immersed in a 75 Hertz stream. So during the month of 2009, I decided to compile the book for my best Zockers, even in time. For gaming fans: Also with other DisplayPort versions that use AMD FreeSync and Nvidias G-Sync technologies, a different image (“Tearing”) is used. HDMI has worked since the first version 2.1.

So you see a typical gaming monitor offered to you. The editors’ finger is on the DisplayPort. The links will help you find two HDMI inputs.


Version 1.3 has DisplayPort at 240 Hertz also in WQHD, in 4K compatible with the 120 Hertz connection. Seit DisplayPort 2.0 packt die Buchse 240 Hertz bei 3.840×2.160 Image dots. The world’s leading gaming monitor, this high-end combination with high frame rate and advanced performance may be the Samsung Odyssey Neo G8. We can’t use 4K, but DisplayPort theory is also possible 8K GOOD. This means that it is compatible with the Monitor. Zudem is bei 60 Hertz Schluss. You can change the type of connection to the USB-C port (used) Mini-DisplayPort. The technology with the “large” DisplayPort identity is that of Apple’s HDMI connectors until 2010 in your MacBook.

Additionally, the adapter is available for use:

  • DisplayPort over USB-C
  • DisplayPort over HDMI
  • DisplayPort over Mini-DisplayPort
  • DisplayPort over VGA
  • DisplayPort over DVI

VGA: Relikt aus grauer Vorzeit

1987 was released, it is the analog broadcast standard for an average picture signal for a real dinosaur. Since 2010, Intel and AMD have been offering solutions, and since 2015, the “Video Graphics Array” has better applications in digital devices. Both HDMI and DisplayPort slots are provided. Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz hält sich VGA bis zum heutigen Tag wacker. Den in laptops and desktop monitors günstigen You will also find it in January 2024 until the end of use. In this case, the Anschluss trotz der veralteten Technik un 1080p-Auflösung bei 60 Hertz Bildwiederholrate supports.

VGA and DVI connectors are available from other projectors so far.

Photo: Sayfutdinov

Adapter options:

  • VGA and HDMI
  • VGA over Mini-HDMI
  • VGA over DisplayPort
  • VGA over Mini-DisplayPort
  • VGA over USB-C
  • VGA and DVI

DVI: The first digital image

Ebenso vom Aussterben bedroht, aber technisch highgeschrittener ist der “Digital Video Interface” -Standard since the year 1999. When used with VGA überträgt DVI Bildsignale digital, ber immer noch keinen Ton. The abhängig von der Pin-Belegung exists under the art of Anschlusses. I am relevant to PC-Monitore ist Dual-link DVI-D. Damit verdaut der Anschluss Auflösungen bis 2,560×1,600 pixels at a frame rate of 60 Hertz. With Full HD monitors if you are not connected to DVI-D 144 Hertz drink. HDMI and DisplayPort have medium range support abgelaufen.

A Full HD 60 Hertz monitor is also the Philips 243V7QDSB, HDMI and VGA compatible with DVI support.

Photo: Philips

Adapter options:

  • DVI to HDMI
  • DVI over Mini-HDMI
  • DVI over DisplayPort
  • DVI over Mini-DisplayPort
  • DVI over USB-C
  • DVI over VGA

Über handle Anschlüsse lassen sich mehrere Monitore mit der sogenannten Daisy chain (Englisch für “Gänseblümchen-Kette”) verbinden. It is possible to reduce the cable and make it more suitable for laptops and mini-PCs, naturally using many ports. The Daisy-Chaining is compatible with the DisplayPort connection from version 1.2, and the USB-C should also have additional free Thunderbolt 3 or 4 functions.

Thanks to Daisy-Chain, you will have another 4K screen on the monitor.

Photo: Dell

With VGA and DVI on other devices, you can find them even in Gunstigen Notebooks and Office Monitors. Relevant practice is the highest application today, when a laptop or computer sets up other devices used – and a projector is in a more advanced era. When using DVI golden HDMI, the most common monitor socket. Since version 2.1, the 4K signal of the Next-Gen console is enabled with 120 Hertz image support. For PC gamers, the law is not in the rules. The most faithful to DisplayPort, 4K broadcasting at 240 Hertz. The best Office-Erlebnis uses USB-C, for all this in combination with Thunderbolt 4 an exceptional performance. So don’t get carried away by the image, the tone and the dates, and look further Monitore verbinden et angeleschlossene Notebooks mit Strom versorgen. If you change the settings, you will need to change the adapter. Die sind zwar Retter in der Not, aber often Leistungskiller.