
Papa Francesco and his appeal for the rhythm of the world

Papa Francesco and his appeal for the rhythm of the world

The Pontifice launches a powerful message against war and for solidarity between the population.

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A call for the world

During the Angelus, Papa Francesco launched an appeal to the rhythm of the world, underpinning the importance of work for disarmament and the control of social rights. “Basta colonizzare i popoli con le armi”, affirmed the Pontiff, demonstrating the need to confront the root cause of conflicts, because of fame and illness. This message is inserted into a global contest of tension and war, particularly in Ukraine, Gaza and Myanmar.

The situation in Ukraine and Gaza

The father has a particular concern regarding the conflict situation in Ukraine and Gaza, inviting the feds to prepare at the pace of this martorial zone. The war in Ukraine has caused an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, while the situation in Gaza continues to be critical, with large numbers of casualties and damage. The word of the Pontifice risks being a strong point for the refined international community, which further facilitates the resolution of this crisis and brings it to what it offers.

A Botschaft der Brüderlichkeit

In a moment of interreligious tension, Papa Francesco also wanted to turn against a thought of “human brothers”, on the occasion of the celebration of Hanukkah. “Send my augury of rhythm and fraternity,” he said, underlining the importance of dialogue and mutual understanding between the various members. This gesture of solidarity is an invitation to overcome divisions and work for a future of rhythm and harmony.