
SMI is ready to start quickly | Kühne + Nagel and UBS managed | Wisekey, Kuros and Relief in the Höhenflug

SMI is ready to start quickly | Kühne + Nagel and UBS managed | Wisekey, Kuros and Relief in the Höhenflug

The Swiss business market was Handel’s best shot at the Donnerstag and soured with losses. Zunächst hatte die am Morgen unerwartet Deutsche Bank of the Schweizerische Nationalbank (BNS) Rückenwind verliehen. I am frühen Nachmittag Senkte der Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) de Zinsen den Erwartungen entsprechend. The public affairs management of SMI has been established in Grenzen, and there is also a stop of the information bank in the terms of the single course, which is in Handel. La Kommende Woche steht der Zinsentscheid de la US-Notenbank Fed an.

The SNB signed the Leitzins at 50 and did not have time to act more effectively on the 25 basis points. Unter Experten war von einem “Paukenschlag” et zugleich von einer “verpassten Chance zur Zurückhaltung” die Rede. The new president of the BNS, Martin Schlegel, had this idea to start passing an immigration law. Nun sei der weitere Weg der Zinsen in Richtung null vorgezeichnet. With the reduction of metals in the Eurozone, the 25 basis points were implemented by the independent federal government. The political policy of the EZB is not more restrictive and for further policy proposals, it is not a good idea, it speaks of an economy.

THE FuW Swiss 50 Index schloss praktisch unverändert auf 2453.86 Punkten. Am Ende rückte der SMI um 0.29% auf 11,715.85 Pointe vor, wobei in der sten Handelshalfte bei 11,784 Stellen das Tageshoch gesetzt worden war. THE SLI gewann 0.31% to 1942.61 Zähler et der IPS 0.14% on 15,616.16 Stellen. I am SLI kamen auf 17 Verlierer 13 Gewinner.

I’m at the center of the Lonza actor’s action, which reaches 4.9%. The pharmaceutical company will be located within Kerngeschäft – die Auftragsfertigung (CDMO) – konzentrieren and the Geschäft mit Nahrungskapseln and Ergänzungsstoffen aufgeben. This study is ready to meet expectations, but also for 2025, the predictions will be made.

This is due to the fact that the paper of Richemont (+1.5%). Trotz der actuellen Schwäche sei die Branche ingesamt in guter Verfassung, hiess es im Kommentar von Kepler Cheuvreux. High clock hours of 2025 for the Wachstum region. The project is also that of the company Swatch Group (+0.5%), which obtained a rating reduction to “Reduce” from “Hold” by the chief broker.

The results include Lindt+Spring (PS: +0.9%), Holcim or UBS (+1.1%). Zinssenkungen seien ein zweischneidiges Schwert für Banken, da tiefere Zinsen auf die Margen der Banken drücken, says a manager. Dagegen insured UBS as the largest Vermögensverwalterin von steigenden Gebühren et Kommissionen profitieren. Auch ein Bericht zu der Neuaurichtung von Wealth Management Americas löste Käufe aus.

We are currently trading with Nestlé, Novartis (+0.1%) and Roche (GS: -0.2%). Schindler (PS: -0.6%) came in at the end and was a Wert ein. VR-President and CEO Silvio Napoli It is not possible to approach the same dual function for three years earlier, and that is what Schindler said. Sein Nachfolger with Paolo Compagna.

Germany under the influence of Kühne + Nagel (-2.8%) reported that Bank of America had logistics agencies at the “underperforming” level of “neutral”. More than 1% will be charged today by the Adecco personal agency (-3.4%) and by the TVA sensor agency (-1.4%).

Within the market, Temenos (+8.5%) is approaching the title of Jefferies which is no longer in power. Unter Druck remains stable with Leonteq (-11%). The Derivatboutique only has one Gewinneinziehung durch die Finma a safety warning ausgesprochen.

The balance of Helvetia changes (-2.3%) is limited new Ziele am Markt zwar gut an, weniger gut hingegen die am Investorentag gemachten Aussagen zur künftigen Dividendenpolitik. Aevis Victoria returns to 1.8% vor. Die zur Gruppe gehörende Swiss Medical Network (SMN) available in Spital Zofingen. This is support from the cantonal hospital of Aarau AG (KSA), which takes care of a strategic action of the SMN.

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