
Wukong Sun: Black Legend – three Ripp-offs of Black Myth: Wukong in the Nintendo eShop purchased

Wukong Sun: Black Legend – three Ripp-offs of Black Myth: Wukong in the Nintendo eShop purchased

Black Myth: Wukong took place in 2024 with a worldwide hit and a peak of over 2.4 million without a page on the erfolgreichsten title of the years. For the launch of the “game of the years” during the Game Awards, it did not happen, as the idea illustrates, that Wukong was really perfect, because it is an article vom Kuchen abschneiden möchten. On December 26, it is with Wukong Sun: Black Legend that a new title is available on the American Nintendo eShop, with a cost of 8 US dollars and an offensive title with authentic original titles presented. This is a US-armed Nintendo eShop game available.

Wukong Sun: Black Legend takes advantage of the adventures of business adventurers, but it is also authentic to the original – which is not in genre, but also in quality. One of the Action Adventures games is one such gamer that has only one 2D platformer. Schon das vermeintlich KI-generierte und fehlerhafte Titlebild lässt darauf schließen, as Wukong Sun qualitativ nicht mit dem Original gemein hat. If you do not know or do not know what to do, you may find that the original Affen-Abenteuer für die Switch (on Amazon for 280 Euro is available) has been purchased.

The game is launched in the eShop and is available on another platform to find this one, created by hand: The original Unreal Engine 5 graphic contains a single number corresponding to the Switch, we offer the game on the Nintendo. The console is not available verfügbar ist. These white allergies are not allowed. For all the children, their children were happy to be there, they are available in the Wukong Sun eShop and for the original products. Man könnte glauben, hier möchte jemand schnelles Geld mit der Unwissenheit andererererdienen.

Community reactions: Spott and Ironie

On Reddit, Wukong Sun: Black Legend’s post was commented on sarcastically. Nutzer scherzen über die Namensähnlichkeit et ziehen Parallelen zur ironischen Tatsache, dass China, often Ziel westlicher Kritik wegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen, hier scheinbar self opfer eines Klons geworden ist. Doch während sich einige auf the cultural Ironie fokussieren, fordern andere strengere Schutzmechanismen for geistiges Eigentum on digital Marktplätzen.

Criticism and Nintendo

Auch Nintendo is the review stand – which manages quality control in the Nintendo eShop. Many players have been rewarded, the platform is blessed with titles such as Wukong Sun: Black Legend, which offers bigger games to profit from, without specific quality standards. The strictest criteria for gambling will get you in the water.