
Apple offers solutions for Lightning iPhones at ›

Apple offers solutions for Lightning iPhones at ›

Apple plans to do this as iPhone models with Lightning jack are not available in the EU. We are offering the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus and iPhone SE models of the specified generation in Apple’s European online stores today.

We already have mid-December to get the apple factory, the Verkauf dieser Geräte zum Jahresende einzustellen. The mass rose at the level of the tattoo, on December 28, for two years, the EU credit line for a load of tritt kraft paper. The tweak applies to electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets and cameras with a USB Type-C socket, so that they are charged from a single charger.

Wir alle haben zu House think that three cell phone chargers. It is possible that the house or place of agriculture is immersed in the rich loads such as things. These loads can reach up to 11,000 tonnes of electrical falls. Ein für mehrere Geräte passendes Ladegerät spart Zeit und Geld et tragt außerdem noch zur Verringerung des Elektronikabfalls bei.
-Jozef Síkela, Minister of Industry and Handel

The Harmonisierung von Ladeschnittstellen und Schnellladetechnologien soll für more Verbraucherfreundlichkeit sorgen, zudem soll die Regelung dazu führen, dass weniger Elektronikabfall entsteht. You will find the product groups for mobile phones, tablets and e-readers, digital cameras and video game consoles, cameras, headphones and speakers, power and navigation cables, as well as enhanced navigation systems. Since 2028, the regulations are also applicable to all computers used.

Times of the Übergabe an Händler oder Kunden zählt

An Adlerauge before our eyes rejoices, because Apple über die Weihnachtsfeiertage die Navigation auf seiner Webseite entsprechend angepasst hat. Geräte mit Lightning-Anschluss können zwar noch bestellt werden, erscheinen jedoch no plus in Apples Hauptnavigation. As it is, Apple expects the purchase of both iPhone 14 and iPhone SE models to be completed without charging issues.

The authorization of the European regulation is the same for the discussions. The USB-C connector must not be connected to the terminal of the product intended for this purpose and must be gold-plated when carrying a product. Dies beschreibt jenen Zeitpunkt, et dem ein Hersteller or der Importateur ein Produkt einem Händler or Endnutzer erstmalig bereitstellt.