
What future for 2025, Mr Schwager?

What future for 2025, Mr Schwager?

Riesa. Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have once again the Himmelsbeobachtern of the Riesaer Verein Sternwarte Riesa gezeigt. Kurz vor Weihnachten stand die “Jahresabschlussbeobachtung unterm Weihnachtsstern” auf dem Programm. Bei klarem Himmel und wieder recht kühlen Temperaturen konnten sich die rund 40 Vereinsmitglieder immerhin mit Glühwein or Kinderpunsch aufwärmen.

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For 55 years, the Riesaer Sternwarte has arrived as early as 1969 on the second day of the Oberschule im Stadtteil Weida talking about war. A day of the Abriss des Ardenne-Gymnasiums 2013 – like the school on the day of their arrival – arrived in the background of your new ebenerdigen stand on Kreuzstraße in December 2014.

In the year 2023, the company has completed 100 months, and in that year the polar lights will still be visible – from the upper viewpoint of the Reussner Berg, a sun-rich minute. “For solche Beobachtungen braucht man einen dunklen Platz”, erklärt Schwager. Dafür ist die Elbestadt Riesa andnn eher nicht geeignet.

And this is how the head of the Vereinschef will take specific photos of this natural field of vision. Schwager: “The polar light turns on when the Sonne is active. » Then I will weave my wind to the magnetic field of the Erde – and the connection with your hair with the atom of the Erde erzeugen das bunte Spektakel am Himmel, das in Höhen zwischen 60 und 200 Kilometern entsteht. “The man is seen in October as far as the end of Italy or Griechenland. »

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In the next few days you will be able to take advantage of the polar light conditions.

This polarizing lamp does not come with a single highlight, as the Riesaer Sternengucker is intended for the optics of your large telescopes or small irons. “2025 will take place for a second total in Mondfinsternis”, and Schwager will take place on the morning of March 14 and the weekend of September 7. “Das schauen sich dann schon hunderte Leute an.”

And today’s day is scheduled for January 4, between 6:35 p.m. and 7:35 p.m., a single sunset time. “Total cool,” wrote the head of the Vereinschef here. “Das gibt es nur alle sieben bis zehn Jahre. Then I think the World is above Saturn.

Saturn crosses Neptun

Saturn – the second planet of our planet is broadcast by Sonnensystems – played on June 29, 2025 in an interesting roll. Then the circular planet was created – a mass of 540 billion tons and a length of 120,000 kilometers – the smallest Neptun (measurement: 49,532 kilometers). The gas planet has a temperature of less than 200 degrees Celsius. These Treff-planets are found in the 3 o’clock night and can have clear problems with an iron glass arising.

Stefan Schwager has arrived in 2025, and the final hours of heaven’s work will occur. On March 5, there is a dozen in the public space of the Heimischen Sternwarte, a Vortrag for the children’s university in Riesa on the topic “Writings – in Erde and Monday discussions”. Eine Eklipse, das ist eine Verfinsterung eines Himmelskörpers durch die Bedeckung eines anderen. “Solche Vorträge mache ich ich ich schon seit vielen Jahren. Damit möchte ich die Kinder vorbereiten auf solche Naturereignisse. 2026 will be the 20th anniversary of the children’s university.

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The date of delivery is 20 December. At the end of 2025, it is the Volkssternwarte in Riesa during the Wintersonnenwende. “In the coming years there are ideas for air travel,” Schwager published a message about the activity of a transport organization by 2026 and 2027. There is much more time than the man in the background in Riesa as close as possible to the full arrival of the sun. “Das passiert erst 2135. Partielle Sonnenfinsternisse hatten wir aber schon etliche.”

Sternegucken in Hartha

Neither in Riesa nor Himmel beobachtet. Die Saison an der Sternwarte Hartha dauert bis zur Zeitumstellung Ende März, according to the Vorsitzende Ronny Raudzus. “If you find out about free options for Kindergarten and Erwachsene status.” It starts at 6 p.m., the new newspaper is available on the Eastern Internet page. Neben der partially Sonnenfinsternis am 29. März frut sich Harthas Sternwartenchef auf die beiden totalen Mondfinsternisse – wobei in unseren Breiten wohl nur zu sehen sein wird. A man is not up to the above. “Gerade die Helligkeit von Kometen.” These are also: Daumendrücken.
