
Das steht im January 2024 in Hannover and

Das steht im January 2024 in Hannover and

Hanover. The new month started in Hannover for all artists with the filming artwork, a new GOP show and the credible performance and performance of “Cavalluna”. Dazu tritt Ende Januar Rapper Alligatoah auf, und bei der Ausstellung “Körperwelten” können Besucherinnen et Besucher die Anatomie des Menschen bis sous les Hauts Erkunden.

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Dem Leben auf der Spur: “Körperwelten” in der Alten Druckerei

Again 4. May macht die Wanderausstellung “Körperwelten & der Zyklus des Lebens” Station à Hannover – dans der Alten Druckerei der Madsack Mediengruppe, August-Madsack-Straße 1. Die von Wissenschaftler Gunther von Hagens 1995 ins Leben gerufene Schau zeigt menschliche und tierische Exhibit and their Kreislauf von der Entstehung bis zum Verfall. More than 55 million men around the world have had to deal with the changing anatomy of sogenannten lamination technique. Mit dem Verfahren werden Körper oder Körperteile von Menschen und Tieren konserviert.

Below the Top: The “Körperwelten” school is menschliche and Tierische Exponate zu Sehen.

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If the “Körperwelten” can be considered, it must be a Zeitfenster or a Flexticket Buchen, the Verweildauer is not planned. Posts in January will be published between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., and working hours between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Cards are available in HAZ/NP ticket shops and online at

Weihnachtscircus Hannover: Did we win the Grand Prix?

Hochseilakrobatik, Clowns und Juggling – at the Weihnachtscircus in Hannover there are international artists represented by their Können. Until January 5th, it will be January 6th. Grand Prix des Artistes on Schützenplatz at the Gunst des Publikums, at the end of their favorites. Cards cost between 26.90 and 64.90 euros on site, between 23.90 and 59.50 euros. The best role-playing games give a message of love and an annual spectacle.

Von der Torte bis zur Reise: Hochzeitstage 2025 im HCC

Wer noch Inspiration or another dress for the times’ own weather, will take place at the major stages of the Hannover Congress Center (HCC) being financed. On January 4 and 5, they arrive in the Gestaltungstipp of the Eilenriedehalle with the “schönsten Tag des Lebens”. Ausgewählte Aussteller zeigen Produkte et Dienstleistungen von Torten über Eheringe bis zur Planung der Hochzeitsreise. The expedition ticket costs 14 euros, it is purchased between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Everything for the big tag: The big living room in the HCC presents a small robot.

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Spielplatz für Artisten: “Alive” at the GOP

On January 9, the GOP varieties will be presented at the new show “Alive” on the children’s square for world-class artists: a Schaukel with a performance in a trapeze and a Wippe in a Schleuderbrett. In the show there are among others Juggling, Comedy and Rollschuhakrobatik zu sehen. The card costs between 35 and 54 euros depending on the preparation time and the price category. Holidays and concerts start at 7:30 p.m., holidays and events start at 5:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., public holidays at 2 and 6 p.m.

Das zündet: Feuerwerk der Turnkunst in the ZAG Arena

In two shows on January 18, there will be new artists from all over the world in the rotating art fire factory. Under the title “Gaia”, the Zuschauer is a fascinating play of the element between the sky and the Erde. Synchronizing with Asia, Air Shows in Europe and Acrobatics in Africa with many kraft paper project possibilities and multiple shower options. The outings start at 2 and 7 p.m. in the ZAG Arena, tickets cost between 25 and 69 euros.

The best of 40 years: Alphaville displays all the hits

In the Achtzigern startedeten sie als zunächst unbekannte Synthiepop-Band in Münster, before songs like “Big in Japan”, “Sounds like a melody” and “Forever young” Alphaville international was released. This little day of the years to come, played by the group on January 24 at the Swiss Life Hall, has its hits under the motto “The best of 40 years”. Cards cost between 62.05 and 79.30 euros, the meeting starts at 8 p.m.

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Big Momente: Pferdeshow “Cavalluna”

The big Pferdeshow Europas will take place on January 25 and 26 in Hannover zu Gast. Bei “Cavalluna – Grand Moments” has its Reiter son art auf round 60 Pferden, begleitet von emotioner Music and Lichteffekten. Erzählt wird die Geschichte des in die Jahre gekommenen Showreiters Trol. This one has the Vision, the moment aussergewöhnlichsten seiner Karriere in einer großen Show zu vereinen and thus the moment besonderen mit Reitern, Tänzern and Tieren noch einmal zu erleben. The shows in the ZAG Arena start on January 25 at 2 and 7 p.m. and on January 26 at 1 p.m. Tickets cost between 44.41 and 115.75 euros.

The great show of their Art in Europe: 58 Pferde and their guests came together with a Tanzkompanie and support for the emotional music, light and special effects of the show “Cavalluna”.

Vielfalt des Tanzes: Real Dance Festival

Hanover and Tanz, Bewegung and Kunst, Körper and Kulturen – from January 28 to February 2 at the Real Dance Festival. Various standards can be used by Vielfalt international des Tanzes – from High Art to the workshop, from videos to the boutique. When it is released from January 28 to January 20, at the Schauspielhaus, there will be a choreography based on Vivaldi “Vier Jahreszeiten”, a climate-critical event and the creation of a creative generation.

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“Out of office”: Alligatoah is unterwegs

Even more so for a decade, Alligatoah was at the forefront of the German musical world and the rap and pop scenes were organized. With his album “off” released in 2025 on tour in Germany and played on January 31 at 7 p.m. in the ZAG Arena. The new plate with comments from Bausa, Guano Apes and Tarek KIZ is on a place in the charts. The card costs between 63.10 and 73.10 euros.