
Roberts Spiele des Jahres 2024 • JPGAMES.DE

Roberts Spiele des Jahres 2024 • JPGAMES.DE

We will only have one month at the end of the year and the team will take care of presenting you with every game of the year. The match ran until December 31. One of the team’s favorites for 2024 is the newest title for the next few years – the latest is Robert and the Queen.

Roberts Spiele of the years

Platz 3: Shin chan: Abenteuer in Kohlenburg

Urlaub is etwas Schönes. And once again we have video games like Urlaub anfühlen. Genau dieses Gefühl hatte ich bei Shin chan: Abenteuer in Kohlenburg. Yesterday a Käfer sammeln, dort kleinere Aufgaben erledigen. An overview of the story unfolds in a masculine graphic style, in wonderful landscapes and in the background to create shots for a rich atmosphere. Everything is relevant, without hektik or stress. Einfach mal innehalten, durchatmen et seine Seele baumeln lassen. When you see this, the city and its problems remain…

Place 2: Neva

Neva is a wonderful entrepreneur, who didn’t give me a single Ghibli film, which integrated a thought-provoking atmosphere and a unique experience. Während des Spielens bin ich regelrecht in den malerischen Landschaften versunken. The time came for this affair between Alba and Neva, which led me to play games of chance. Game time is not yet in the language, but I have studies that have been great and are happening in the next few days sicher once again in this world. Wie ein guter Film, the man sich einmal im Jahr anschaut.

Platz 1: Nine Floors

We are on Hollow Knight: Silksong Wartet and a herausragendes Metroidvania such as, which is not found in good graphics, but also in support and in the combat system within the network, so that Nine Sols is well anschauen. The title aus dem Hause Red Candle is for me a small entrepreneur who this year definitely has more experience in the field of crafts.

This game, created by the development studio of the categorized Taopunk (Taopunk) (Taopunk / Cyberpunk), has created a creative world with very good science fiction and animation elements, which were created by myself. There is a logical story behind it, which unfolds in detail throughout all the kryptische Erzählungen (à la Dark Souls) verzichtet. Ausfordernden Metroidvanias with an ancient Kampf and Parier system are not abgeneigt, but with Nine Sols a rich time had already taken place. I want you to come across the Zeit ganze.

Honorable mentions

Be as sure as Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Or Persona 3 Reload in my Top 3, I’m in the game until the last time. Da bei mir aber nach vielen Stunden die Luft etwas raus war et ich das Ende der Spiele noch nicht kenne, gibt es nur eine Honorable mention. If the game is played it will fall no later than the game, but if you watch it you will see it again. Die Frage is not what you want. And yes, like Fan War Fairy Tail 2 also cool ganz.

Most wanted 2025

Wild Monster Hunters! It’s really a game that gives you interesting data, but it’s also free. Nicht nur schweben bei the Title standig MH4U-Vibes mit, sondern de la nouvelle Teil der Reihe sieht un phänomenal instinct aus. Das golden sowohl für die Umgebungen, die Monster as well as the Waffen and Rüstungen, die bisher gezeigt wurden. Yes, the Switch 2 analysis and some additional information on Hollow Knight: Song of Silk We’re really that cool, but there’s nothing else besides a new Monster Hunter.

The team made up of JPGames will have good French and a new month of 2025!

Image material: Red Candle Games, Devolver Digital, neos