
Darts: Damon Heta is one of two new WM specialists

Darts: Damon Heta is one of two new WM specialists

Damon Heta is against Luke Woodhouse and his second Neun-Darter des Turniers. Am Ende jubelte dennoch der Engländer. I’m reading the session with Jonny Clayton and Stephen Bunting for their fourth edition post.

Konnte es nicht faitn: Damon Heta.

After three days of Christmas break, Darts-WM is over. Die dritte Runde stand an. Eröffnet pronounced this duel between Damon Heta and Luke Woodhouse. The favorite Australian had a problem at the start, Woodhouse generated an average of 85, in the first satz, of the Heta anwarf, with 3:2 to win.

Die Nummer neun der Welt war somit früh unter Druck, schaffte aber den Konter im zweiten Set – et wie! Beim Stand von 1:1 right of the Australians, hatte nach sechs Darts nur noch 141 Punkte stehen. This check is carried out on the classic path – the second perfect WM war expert. The Ally Pally turned against him, as did the protagonists auf der Bühne.

Heta gives him the chance

Davon got a glimpse of Heta auch den dritten Satz, when he auch knapp mit 3:2. Woodhouse managed to do so, but he came into play at a 2:0 rate at the hand. This is a fight with a ratio of 3:1 and a fight that does not take place at any time.

“Woody” ließ “The Heat” is not so clear at home and the track is so expensive that the number fünf mit 3:1. Bei Heta began to use the Kopf zu arbeiten, die Leichtigkeit des Neundarters war verflogen. Woodhouse was the best, watching Heta im sechsten Satz with 3:0 ab et glich somit aus.

I decide to like “Woody” directly in a Break location and there it ends with the Oberwasser. Heta verlor seinen Rhythmus derweil komplett, verlor den letzten Satz mit 0:3 et schied aus dem Turnier aus. Woodhouse eliminates the closest players, the WM favorites further away.

Gurneys Comeback bleibt erfolglos

I am in touch with Jonny Clayton (Wales) working session with Daryl Gurney (Nordirland). Dort zeichnete sich früh a clair Angelegenheit zu Gunsten des an Nummer 7 gesetzten Clayton ab.

Every time they 0:3 you’ll see Gurney again, make sure three things on the piece and force the decider. In this fan and Clayton jedoch zu seinem Spiel zurück, gewann das Leg mit 3:1 et sicherte sich so the 4:3-Sieg. In the race for letzten 16, it is “The Ferret” with Gerwyn Price in this place.

Bunting last Razma nur kurz hoffen

Eindeutiger verlief die Angelegenheit im letzten Spiel des Nachmittags. He overtook position 8 of Stephen Bunting (England) with an average of 100.06 thanks to the letter Madars Razma, this time having no average (90.92 average). This means that the temperature is 119% and the finish is 1:2 in the first half, which means that it is not the same as before. “The Bullet” became sovereign with 4:1 through and three times in series 4 within Landsmann Luke Woodhouse.

The Abendsession was joined by Gerwyn Price (Wales) and Joe Cullen (England). Peter Wright (Scotland) worked with Jermaine Wattimena (Netherlands) and world amateur Luke Humphries (England) worked with Nick Kenny (Wales)