
Harte Kritik am Outfit von Tochter Nord

Harte Kritik am Outfit von Tochter Nord

Kim Kardashian
Harte Kritik am Weihnachtsoutfit von Tochter Nord

Kim Kardashian and North West

© Robert Kamau/Getty Images

The Kardashians fallen out with their kids often look the same. He also went by Kims Tochter North on TikTok at Tanzen zeigt. “Viel zu freizügig für eine Elfjährige!” – Fanden Die Fans.

A white bustier, a black crop-blazer, a minirock on top and suit pants, as well as dramatic makeup: so I’m 11-year-old North West in a Christmas video on TikTok, in which I find my Tanzkünste zu bestaunen gab.

But Dance-Moves were designed to meet your needs: Many users have more outfits than the latest dresses from Kim Kardashian, 44, and Kanye West, 47, on: on the head, outside, to get started in the news on other social media -Plattformen, denn bei TikTok deactivated Kim, with North zusammen den Account betreibt, die Kommentare.

Kim Kardashian: Review of North’s outfit

“That’s a thing! We have a 15-year present,” writes a comment on the Foren platform “Reddit”. Another stimmt zu und findet sogar: “When you are there to know, dass sie 20 ist – ich würd’s glauben”. Older children are children in the same North and there is no longer any country, but in the upper North there are millions of publications. Zusätzlich zur Kritik an der Freizügigkeit des Outfits wird aber auch Mama Kim in the Mangel genome. Ihr wird vorgeworfen, ihre Tochter nicht zu schützen et sogar ces petit Shitstorms zu provozieren, um im Gespräch zu bleiben, ganz nach dem Motto: Lieber schlechte Presse als garkeine Presse.

And clear: Kim has a problem with his look on his skin, he sits in the North video (in his high dress with print), sings and tans at the end of his work with. Kim decided to be older, the North being her master in life, as the family series “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” says: “The North is the type, I am also the master of childhood” – until the end, I will see it. eben also your biggest fan and ist self Profi darin, Kritik einfach teflonartig an sich abperlen zu lassen.

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