
Automated smartphone control – RECYCLING magazine

Automated smartphone control – RECYCLING magazine

Copyright: Interzéro

More than 200 million connected smartphones and mobile phones have access to Bitkom digital solutions in German homes. With the ReBox, the return to Handel is not exactly light and attractive. A clean terminal with a powerful KI-Scanner allows access to files in the screens of your most suitable smartphones. The end of automated processes takes place within one minute. With integrated ReBox devices, Interzero products are used to create a market or recycling resources.

Interzero offers the ReBox and gives you in-depth reading. The certified service provider ensures support services for current security and safety standards and standards for data security, usage and retail sales of smartphones.

Durch das niedrigschwellige Angebot im direkten Umfeld der Verbraucher*innen soll der airfreundliche Eintausch von ausrangierten Geräten für eine große Zielgruppe zugänglich werden.