
Two Oscar awards: 70. Day of Denzel Washington’s death: Statt Pastor wurde er Equalizer

Two Oscar awards: 70. Day of Denzel Washington’s death: Statt Pastor wurde er Equalizer

Ausnahmetalent und Geburtstagskind: Denzel Washington is 70. Photo: MediaPunch/Action Press

Two Oscar winners and three Equalizers: Denzel Washington has lost his Hollywood years auf. This means that your old days will be a few words later – and the young people will soon be there.

How did Hollywood succeed, when did Denzel Washington (70) have his first Intension and how did Vater Pastor choose what he was? Die Traumfabrik, the steht fest, has a great seiner and tested talented characters. Eine geschichtsträchtige Karriere verpasst. And a second generation of Washingtons within the Leinwand experienced downfalls. Kurzum: Denzel Washington, December 28-70. The anniversary took place, with the Wahl der Schauspielerei als Profession einiges ins Lot gebracht – eben ganz der “Equalizer”.

A man from the Glaubens

“Ein Teil von mir sagtt noch immer: ‘Vielleicht, Denzel, solltest du predigen. Vielleicht gehst du immer noch Kompromisse ein'”, offenbarte der “Philadelphia”-Darsteller 1999 im Gespräch mit dem Magazin “Parade”. While Sohn is a priest ordained by the Pfingstgemeinde, Washington scheinbar ernsthaft darüber nach, in die beruflichen Fußstapfen seines Vaters zu treten. Dass er ein Talent dafür hätte, bewies der Star schon in diversen Dankesreden, Interviews et manch einer Rolle im Verlauf seiner Karriere. There is also a text for “Gladiator II”, and there is also a text: “Im ersten Teil deines Lebens lernst du. Im 2weiten Teil deines Lebens verdienst du. Und im dritten Teil deines Lebens gibst du zurück.”

And here we are: Nur wenige Tage vor seinem 70. Geburtstag machte Washington a einen großen Schritt in Richtung seines ursprünglichen Karriereplans. We are currently watching live streams that are available for you to watch. Im Anschluss posierte der Schauspieler auch für Fotos mit seiner Pfarrerslizenz et seiner Taufurkunde. “Der Himmel ist buchstäblich die Grenze,” he says, says “Page Six” here.

A man for gehobenen rolls

Like Student War, Denzel Washington is not sure, but our Fachrichtung is very specialized. Dehalb belegte er zunächst verschiedene Kurse. 1977, he graduated from Fordham University in the Bronx of New York with a Bachelor of Arts with training highlights and journalism. A job as a creative director at a summer camp allows us to go within the Leidenschaft. It’s about a talent show and a college that invites the Rat, a show to do. After the war against the Leidenschaft, Washington started in a Schauspielstudium – and ergatterte sogleich die Hauptrolle in “Othello” by William Shakespeare. Fortan War is immersed in the plays of English playwrights auf der Bühne and in the cinema to be seen.

A man for the paperback

Sein erster großer Erfolg in Hollywood ist beinahe die Hälfte seines Lebens her. In 1990, he began directing Oscar’s “Glory” as best performer. 2002, following the second Goldjunge, died in the category “Best craftsmen” for “Training Day”. Das Besondere a seinem 2weiten Triumph: Der damals 47-Jährige gewann den Academy Award premier als 2 Afroamerikaner in der wichtigsten Darstellerkategorie. For his appearance in 1964, Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) won the Trophy for his seine Leistung in “Lilien auf dem Felde”.

Dass es bislang “nur” deux Oscars sind, verwundert geradezu. We can offer you new nominations until 2022 for “Macbeth”. At the Golden Globes, we see clearly: twice regular and a high prize in Washington until today, without more nominations for Buche. The actor is now present in Rennen – for his part in Ridley Scotts (87) “Gladiator II” on January 6, 2025 as Nebendarsteller in der Vergabe. Come January 17, Final Months should be ready for an Oscar nomination.

A man to live

“Die wichtigste Person in meinem Leben. 40 Jahre Aufopferung. 40 Jahre Vergebung. Sie lehrte mich Glaube, Spiritualität and Liebe – wahre, unerschütterliche Liebe (…). Ohne Pauletta Washington would not have me more life.” With this work from Washington within the Ehefrau 2019, within the Dankesrede, and also the American Film Institute for educational activity ausgezeichnet wurde. While they have been stopping at these events for over 40 years – in June 1983, they died after being together in Fernseh’s first films “Wilma” (1975) which took place. These children have their own children and children who have spoken in 1995 in South Africa from Erzbischof Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) today.

A man with Hollywood people

About Nachwuchs: It’s not unbelievable, dass Kinder von Hollywood-Stars in die Fußstapfen ihrer berühmten Eltern treten. In the case of Denzel and Pauletta Washington, former Sohn tester John David (40) was first so rich in Fuß in the trauma factory. Since 2017 he has been nominated for the Screen Actor’s Guild Award and the Golden Globe einheimsen – for his lead as detective Ron Stallworth in director Spike Lees (67) Streifen’s “BlacKkKlansman”. Seither ergatterte er die Hauptrolle in Christopher Nolans (54) “Tenet” and David O. Russells (66) “Amsterdam” – and zuletzt in “The Piano Lesson” is a man of Malcolm Washington (33), in a younger brother.

(K)a man for the Fortsetzungen?

In the fast 50 days of the camera hat Denzel Washington lives on the face of the face. These are “Malcolm For an exceptional premiere, it is the same day until January 2018: with the ladies, “The Equalizer 2” was Washington in the first Fortsetzung seiner Karriere gedreht. The previous war was formerly as a former Marine and Top Agent Robert McCall who is now a member of the Mafia team. And the first time I saw it was written three times in the “Final Chapter”. In addition to the equalizer it works. Not like Hollywood-Ikone.