
“Good. I’m out. Fuck you.”

“Good. I’m out. Fuck you.”

Magnus Carlsen (lawyer) fights in New York with Awonder Liang.Image:

The title holder Magnus Carlsen is a member of the Schnellschach-WM in New York for an Eklat. The 34-year-old Norwegians are preparing to use it to create the laundry basket within their Turnier tower.

12/28/2024, 09:5012/28/2024, 09:59

There are no more video games and no more thoughts, “Wo das Wetter ein bisschen besser ist als hier”, says Carlsen, after an ultimatum from the Veranstalter between the seiner Garderobe had no war.

Although I am free to trade with Jeans for a war game, there is a geldstrafe of 200 dollars and I have to pay for an order, which will allow you to do so.

Carlsen died, but he was disqualified from the next race. A better Fortification of Turniers in den noch ausstehenden Runden lehnte Carlsen danach ab.

Also for Nichtspieler wichtig:

“Herr Magnus Carlsen verletzte die Kleiderordnung durch das Tragen von Jeans”, teilte der Weltverband FIDE mit. “This regulation applies to Jahren and all Teilnehmern bekannt and werden ihnen vor jeder Veranstaltung mitgeteilt.”

Grossmeister from the 13th birthday

Carlsen gilded as one of the best Schachspieler der Geschichte. He was named Grossmeister for 13 years and dominated the Weltspitze: from 2013 to 2023 he has the title of world master in a classic Schach. Seine Elo-Rekordzahl von 2882 bleibt bis heute unerreicht. This is an unprecedented war of 125 games between 2018 and 2020, a Meilenstein in chaos.

Also, the title of the WM-Titel 2023 is written in German, both in Schnell- und Blitzschach, and in other titles. (ram/sda/dpa)

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