
KI for individuals: an Excel table of detailed information on intelligent information

KI for individuals: an Excel table of detailed information on intelligent information

The handle is steckt inside dem Begriff künstliche Intelligenz noch ein ganz großes Fragezeichen. During the first Blick, you finally saw the tools – like their functions –, I’m a Mysterium.

For KI besser zu veranschaulichen, Ishan Anand, vice president of products at Edgio, has a project in progress in the field of work. With “Spreadsheets are all you need”, your KI helps you create a large Excel spreadsheet.

What is the function of the KI-Excel table?

And the basic functions of GPT 2, one of the versions of ChatGPT 4, are transported in an Excel table. You can access the table easily on your website. The date is 1.25 gigabytes, getting bigger and bigger on very hard Excel tables. Here you will find 124 million KI parameters in a table.

In the Excel table, look for more pages – go to a page of prompts and many pages with dates. You will find just one click in the description of the GPT organization:

  1. Tokenization
  2. Text and position integrations
  3. Multi-headed warning
  4. Multilayer perceptron
  5. Linguistic manager

Get your prompt on the “Type prompt here” page to use the Excel table in the generated tokens. Jedem Wort is one or more tokens found, which allow identification. Als Beispiel nutzt Anand “Mike is fast. It moves“, and of the KI die Aufgabe zu geben, den deuxweiten Satz anhand der gegebenen Infos zu vervollständigen.

I just found the Excel-KI “Text & Position Embeddings” for tokens. Heißt: Jedes Token has a corresponding list of 768 numbers, for the dissemination of wider information. Gleichzeitig führt die KI un liste mit den Positionen der Wörter im Prompt. It’s also helpful to respond to the prompt to request other embed codes.

Job search: These KI-Apps offer your application card

The final Ergebnis

Die KI sucht nun im Schritt “Multi-head Attention” nach Zusammenhängen innerhalb des Satzes. Anhand der Codes erkennt die KI, dass sich das Wort “He” auf “Mike” bezieht et “moves” im Zusammenhang mit “quick” steht.

I am Schritt “Multilayer Perceptron” as the tool is there, where the reading was done. Denn the English Wort “quick” könnte “clever” or sogar “lebendig” bedeuten, doch passt es im Zusammenhang mit “moves” am besten zu einer schnellen, physischen Bewegung.

The same applies to “fast”, “quickly” and “around” within the own database, so that this chance comes to an end. The words “Attention” and “Perceptron” are more in the background and the answer is clear.

“Language Head” is such that the must is integrated into the text. Please note that the Wort-Pool is already present. In den meisten Fällen wählt die KI die Answer, die anhand der Daten am wahrscheinlichsten ist. You will also find other answers for a simple solution, a proposed alternative. Im Falle des Beispiels schlägt die KI zunächst “quickly” vor.

I don’t like ChatGPT

The Excel-Tabelle contains the Veranschaulichung of KI. A real Chatbot, whose answer is as follows, as it is here. This is a program like ChatGPT and male feedback is helpful in optimizing the machine learning model.

The researchers started the project in a Google Sheets table. The template preferences with 124 million settings are very detailed for the program. You can also use Microsoft Excel.

Fast fertigation!

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