
Packers tips, predictions and quotes on 12/29/2024

Packers tips, predictions and quotes on 12/29/2024

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Our Vikings – Packers Tip: Packers win – 1.85-Quote

  • The Vikings did not have more details as of the end of October
  • Minnesota has the right to begin the journey, well beyond statute, to join
  • The Vikings have the best defense in La Liga

The National Football League had its two games during the 17th season, and the Mannschaften had two games during the regular season. The best places in the Playoffs are already within reach and there is only one more attempt to win them. So also, we are the Mannschaft as First Seed within the NFC. One team, which awaits us in the Lage ist, is that of the Minnesota Vikings.

The Minneapolis Vikings find themselves in an absolute shooter in the divisions headed to Green Bay and can walk away with a seat, for a chance on that top spot. The Packers also had their spot in the Playoffs safely, and they earned their spot for these jets until a while. And you don’t need to know how to direct some of the ideas that come with Motivation in the future. Welche Mannschaft en cesem Traditionsduell die besseren Karten hat, das erfahrt ihr en unserem Vikings – Packers Tip.

Your interest in our analysis and predictions will help you find more information today by finding wet tips. Das kommende Spiel verspricht viel Spannung. Was it glaubst du, wer als Sieger vom Platz gehen wird? Schreib is present in the comments.

Vikings – Packer Info

  • Date and time: 29.12.2024, 02:15 hours
  • Games: US Bank Stadium, Minneapolis
  • Live Response: NFL, 17. Role Plays
  • TV transmission: DAZN, NFL Game Pass

Wet tip: The Vikings win

The Vikings act as one of the most training teams in La Liga and organize training sessions with many teams. The defense and offense harmonize with each other and when the Packers take advantage of one of the best teams in La Liga, they will be with a seat of the host.

  • Quote: 1.85
  • Prime: 100% up to €100 Einzahlungsbonus
  • Buchmacher: betting at home

Bei einem Wettinsatz von 50€ bis zu 92.5€

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Vikings – Packers Quote for home bet

This duel is often present, but aufgrund des Heimvorteils is Minnesota’s favorite. Die Zahlen beweisen einmal mehr, auf was for ein spannendes et enges Spiel wir uns freuen dürfen. When Davon ausgehst, dass sich der Gastgeber den Heimsieg holt, then perhaps du auf a quote of 1.85 tippen. When people go there, they know, Green Bay has three points with his home, and he wrote a quote of 1.95.

Try to get a home bet wet bonus so far and get a voluntary bonus of €100.

Vikings – Packers: The best words in English

Vikings form and Bilanz check

The Vikings are one of the watch groups of the season. After that, you have not had a single month of play in the Playoffs, you have planned rich challenges for you and have already thrown yourself into the gut of your games for a great competition. Aktuell stehen siehen sie 13 Siegen et nur deux Niederlagen, womit sich the Platz in the Playoffs bereits gesichert haben. So you can do it, the first seed in the NFC to the hole.

Now we have two games where the Packers and the Lions win. The Formkurve was created by the Selbstbewusstsein, who then sits next to the Minnesota players in the NFL who are not performing any better. The last day of the match is 10/25, and between 8 and 30 p.m. the Rams will arrive.

Hoher Druck

Coach Kevin O’Connell’s playing system is there for this season, it is most effective for the gegnerischen auszuüben quarterback, who has no time to find the best thing to do, the perfect Wurf to find. The Minnesota Vikings are in the league, but in the NFL they are at the top of the quarterback blitz players (241 percent), when the latter fell, a sich etwas Raum zu verschaffen (37.5 percent ).

Ganze 44-mal was killed by Gegner zu sacked and 68-mal was killed by a Tackle (Platz 2 in der Liga). A young quarterback, like Jordan Love, helped us do it today, a man and a Druck auf ihn auszuüben.

Vikings Fact and Analysis

  • 13-2 Registration
  • NFC North Tables
  • Play a 27-24 game against the Seahawks

Wet tip: Plus at 45.5 points

The Mannschaften are unusual in the offensive and play in this game for human lives. We’re looking with frequent play, but it costs over 45.5 points at the best price.

  • Quote: 1.60
  • Prime: 100% up to €100 Einzahlungsbonus
  • Buchmacher: betting at home

Bei einem Wetteinsatz von 50€ bis zu 80€

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Packers form and Bilanz check

The Green Bay Packers also entered this season with their best football. Quarterback Jordan Love has always been able to show more gut in the integrated team and the Wisconsin Mannschaft with the Woche for the Woche the better. You are still in Siegen and nearby Lower Saxony, but you are in the so dark NFC North on the Platz three times, far away for the right to the Playoffs.

The shape curve also appears in Green Bay every time. Then you can play games that are always in front of you. Besonders der Erfolg am letzten Wochenende, and they had a 34-0 draw against the Saints, war in a statement.

Laufspiel über Passspiel

The Packers surrendered during this season for all auf das Laufspiel auf dem Boden. Bisher kam Green Bay was installed on 5,665 Yards, with a gain of 2,209 for the actual game. With 469 Versuchen aben sie in this game game more Versuche als im Passspiel et kommen pro Versuch auf 4.7 Yards pro Lauf, was on the Platz sechs in the Liga einbringt.

Doch gegen a si starke Defense wie der Vikings werden sie auch versuchen müssen, den Ball erfolgreich zu werfen. And also when the ball is not used so often, like throwing, it can be pro Pass through the play for 7.9 yards. With this we are the second best Mannschaft in the NFL.

Packers make and analyze

  • 11-4 Registration
  • NFC North Dashboard
  • Letztes Spiel 34-0 against Saints played

Wet tip: J. Jefferson created a TD

This is one of the biggest plays of the season and Justin Jefferson with the Druck Wachsen. Well, in the three most famous games, a Touchdowns happened and was integrated into the game. We tell you, this is also the case in this game which is more dangerous.

  • Quote: 1.90
  • Prime: 100% up to €100 Einzahlungsbonus
  • Buchmacher: betting at home

Bei einem Wettinsatz von 50€ bis zu 95€

Offiziell lizenziert (Whitelist) | 18+ | Suchtrisiken | Hilfe under

Vikings – Packers Directory & Statistics

The debut of the Minnesota Vikings and Green Bay Packers is one of the rich dueling traditions in the NFL’s past. Bisher fand es bereits 120-mal statt, wobei die Zahlenn dieser vergangenen Aufeinandertreffen unfassbar ausgeglichen sind. The recommended hosts last sich bereits 59-mal zum Sieger küren, während Green Bay 58-mal den Sieg eintütete. Otherwise, there are three possible parts. The free game took place September 31-29 in Wisconsin and ended in one blow for the Vikings.


Die auf veröffentlichten Wett-Tipps stützen sich hauptsächlich auf un sorgfältige Analyze von Fakten et Daten aus vergangenen sowie eteren verlässlichen Quellen. Während wir uns bemühen, präzise Prognosen zu liefern, möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass zukünftige Ereignisse naturgemäß unvorhersehbar sind. Dementsprechend kann keine Gewährleistung für das Eintreffen der Vorhersagen übernommen werden.