
iPhone 17: Darum bleiben Design-Uberraschungen erneut aus

iPhone 17: Darum bleiben Design-Uberraschungen erneut aus

The new design offers better reading and a better camera: I have already noticed this, because it is not in the coming years on smartphones from Apple, Samsung and Co. geändert hat. And with iPhone 17 you will find great design solutions for my parts. Denn: Das Smartphone an sich ist mittlerweile auserzählt.

New men, a new Rand schmalerer and another Anzahl an Kameralinsen: Noch vor einigen Jahren war richtig was lost in the smartphone sector. So, leak expert Evan Blass has it now, because the first image of the Galaxy S8 is written – an early model, which has no connection with the previous order.

Anyway, there’s a second display on the display: The Galaxy S8 comes with a real “Wow” – the optics of the Handy are a big plus. (© 2017 COURBE)

I am writing to you again today: The “Wie wird Modell XY aussehen” -Frage war vor einigen Jahren umso spannender et auch für uns gab es viele Überraschungen, als die Hersteller allesamt Stück für Stück den Rand auf der Vorderseite minimierten and sich coole Lösungen für den Verbleib The Front Camera is now in full swing.

This is new technology like the 3D FaceID app and support for fingerprint sensors. Concerning boot protection for double, triple cameras and others.

The most optimal time is the best

Gerade in den vergangenen en vier bis fünf Jahren haben die Hersteller den oben genannten Weg konsequent weiterverfolgt. The length is that of the Randlos-Display Standard. Front cameras are only available for the first time. Et auf der Rückseite gibt’s je nach Modell 2-4 Linsen – plus braucht es auch nicht.

Kurz gesagt: Viel Raum für Verbesserungen gibt es nicht more. Smartphones allow you to benefit from optimal use, because (before) you will have more possible or more effective responses.

The iPhone 12 has a unique design, and Apple designed it for the iPhone 17 as well (Image: iPhone 12 Pro). (© 2021 CURVE)

Apple has gone German: the iPhone 12 during 2020 is not really made for design. The cameras are bigger, the Notch is one of the best Dynamic Island models.

And for photo fans, they want a taste of camera (more so when testing the iPhone 16 Pro), which means that the action button is now activated by all buttons of action. Fertig.

Yes, it’s sich tonight etwas getan. But: I am ready for your evolution, and the springs from iPhone 7 to iPhone X are not even smaller. And also with the iPhone 17 with new little details and a Wow effect.

The iPhone X is the first Apple-Handy im Randlos-Design and with FaceID. Ein in jeder Hinsicht großer Fortschritt. (© 2017 COURBE)

Aktuelle Handys has set out so that this is not Optimum, because an iPhone 17 can have the best possible grip, so the iPhone X can be damaged. This is a new game for the next “Wow-Effekt” at Apple. But now is not the time to do that.

The biggest pictures are there here, with a front camera below the display screen and the end of the notch. Oder der Schritt hin zu dünnen et vor allem bezahlbaren Foldings.

Trick : Here you will find your active iPhone on the network

And it’s braucht noch Zeit. Although the manufacturers have a small group (or few working methods), they have created the design of their smartphones with new legends – the optics are also practical and credible.

Warn of technological advances

Of course: I just did it, and the iPhone-17-Reihe will be fast like the Vorgänger model also is. No, but Apple is not more efficient. Sondern weil es derzeit einfach keinen Raum für large optical Verbesserungen mehr gibt – bis der technologische Fortschritt new Design-Wege eröffnet. Entsprechend sollten wir auch nichttäuscht sein, nur weil derzeit die großen Überraschungen ausbleiben. This is what happened next time anders.

Immerhin: Wenn the Design sich kaum verändert, erkennen andere Personen relatively lightweight, for your iPhone or Samsung-Handy nutzt. No eben nicht, welches Modell exact.