
Das Quiz”: Florian Silbereisen with the title-Hattrick

Das Quiz”: Florian Silbereisen with the title-Hattrick

“2024 – The Quiz”
Florian Silbereisen with the title-Hattrick

Florian Silbereisen participates in “2024 – Das Quiz” to write Mal in Folge won.

© imago/Christian Schroedter

Florian Silbereisen won a Badly Written in the ARD-Show series “2024 – Das Quiz” and ended up hearing Günther Jauch do it.

Sports star Florian Silbereisen, 43, acted as one of the kings of the ARD-Jahresquiz. I am Samstagabend setzte sich der Showmaster a plus in “2024 – Das Quiz” by highlighting mitstreiter by – and damit zum writes Mal in Folge. Selbst Quiz-Urgestein Günther Jauch, 68, is the “Traumschiff”-Capitän nicht vom Thron stoßen.

Besonders im Finalspiel entwickelte sich ein packendes Duell zwischen Silbereisen et Jauch. The moderator “Wer wird Millionär?” » allows you to obtain further information on the agreements through nominative tasks at the level of the Konzept zu Bringen. Doch Silbereisen saw the nerve and responded with many answers to the mistakes of the years.

Neben Jauch must be as moderator as Barbara Schöneberger, 50, and “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers, 60, who have the title of president. Therefore, there is nothing to say: Die erspielte Gewinnsumme kommt wie in jedem Jahr einem guten Zweck zugute.

Kai Pflaume as Würdiger Frank-Plasberg-Nachfolger

Moderator Kai Pflaume, 57, who has had a problem sending for two years, but is a würdiger Nachfolger of the Langjährigen Quiz-Gastgebers Frank Plasberg, 67, ist. With the Locker’s Hand navigating and lasting for a few days, it will be released in 2024 no later than the next review.

The war for money is ensured by the game in the most credible format. The Entertainer is in 2021 during the Quiz-Runde and you will meet either Jedes Mal durchsetzen. “I didn’t think about myself, I’m trying to solve the Quiz-Profis like Günther durchsetzen cann”, zeigte sich Silbereisen nach seinem Sieg bescheiden. Let’s start the new sport: “Florian hat has a good chance – and it’s a good idea.”

With the triumph of Silver in the hands and legs of the Best Show (2008), there were three winners. Two people are present at Schöneberger and Oliver Pocher, 46, as Sieger von dannen ziehen. The winners are Annette Frier, 50, and Elyas M’Barek, 42.

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