
7 tips for the years to come

7 tips for the years to come

  1. ruhr24
  2. Dortmund
Silvester has the options Dortmunderinnen and Dortmunder verschiedene. © RalfxRottmann/Imago

It’s more wieder so weit: Silvester will be like the fettes Enddatum des Jahres gefeiert werden. RUHR24 gives 7 tips for December 31 in Dortmund.

Dortmund – The coming years are unfolding and in Dortmund there is only one Möglichkeiten den Übergang in the new century of the year. It is one of the most important events for the holidays, as well as an event held every day. This is what you should do: Allein auf dem Sofa braucht neemand Silvester zu verringen.

Sylvestre in Dortmund: 7 tips for the years to come

Dortmund’s biggest highlight will take place at the birthday party on Friedensplatz. From 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. during the night you can go there, stay and hang out. Tickets are given in the initial price for 5 euros.

On the day of legendary DJs, the best hits of the 80s, 90s and 2000s were recorded. Also the current Charts do not exist. By Abend führen the moderators of Radio 91.2 Michael Hendriks and Tim Schmutzler. Highlight is a Mitternacht a large laser show. Für Familien wird am Abend ein Mitmach-Programm geboten.

Silvester in Dortmund feiern – Party im FZW

If you’re warm, you’ll have to worry about it. The Club öffnet in the Silvesternacht has three Dancefloors – plus the Außenbereich. In the large room you will find the best charts, pop anthems and music of the 90s. There are other areas in rock and alternative, such as soul, funk, old school and hip-hop.

The card is offered in the Vorverkauf from 16 euros. The price is 20 Euro per person. The party starts at 10 p.m.

The FZW in Dortmund is a club – also for live music. © HelmuthxVossgraff/Imago

“Abba bitte mit Schlager” – Silvester im Dortmunder Wittekindshof

Wer es gehobener mag et auch nicht davor scheut, deutlich tiefer in die Tasche zu greifen, for den könnte “Abba bitte mit Schlager” auch etwas sein. The Silvester-Gala is located at the Parkhotel Wittekindshof in Dortmund.

Organize a dinner show with 4 groups. A DJ chosen for an encore party during the night. Grosser Knackpunkt allerdings: Die Karten kosten 199 Euro per person.

Jahreswechsel in Dortmund – Silvester-Gala in “Hopfen & Salz”

Etwas günstiger kommen Besucher bei “Hopfen & Salz” at Lütgendortmund weg. For around 140 euros you can get a well-stocked Galabuffet, with tasty dishes, main courses and desserts served. Außerdem sind durch die Getränkepauschale Sekt, Longdrinks, Beer und Wein inbegriffen.

A DJ chosen for the most popular party evenings, which will be held in Mitternacht until a snack bar served. The point of the abends sei laut der Anstalter of the great countdown of Sylvester.

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Silvester in Dortmund: program in “Cabaret Queue”

We started with the Culture Program in the new Year, which started as “Cabaret Queue”. Besucher können zwischen einem Buffet-Ticket or der enen Party wählen. Aufgetischt wird in Dortmund from 6 p.m. Die Plätze sind bereits knapp geworden. Interested rufen am besten vorher beim Veranstalter an.

At 9 p.m., the Tische dann beiseite geschoben and the Tanzfläche golden as eröffnet. For the winter evening without a buffet, this is another Abendkasse geben. Begleitet werden die Besucher dabei von der Band „Kellerbrand“. You have a Rock-and-Pop-Live-Covern song – from Bowie to Westernhagen. Tickets start at 45 euros.

Christmas celebrations in Dortmund – the “home” rät zum Vorverkauf

“Nette Atmosphäre, neat Menschen, gute Musik mit einem All-Style-Mix”, thus describes the home of the Silvester-Party in Dortmund. DJ Max Guyer is present in the room for the organization of organized evenings. I am a small club that offers more Live-Musik-Sets. I am Erdgeschoss steht eine Cocktailbar bereit.

Die Veranstalter aus Dortmund costs dringend dazu, sich Tickets im Vorverkauf zu sicher (27 euros). Credit cards are possibly available up to the Abendkasse, up to 30 euros. The party started around 9 p.m. (more Freizeit-News aus Dortmund bei RUHR24).

At the “home” of Dortmund, we find jazz music, as here by guitarist John Scofield. © Sven Thielmann/Imago

Sylvestre in Dortmund: Rave im Yunkyard

And other Dortmund clubs, such as “Yunkyard”, will take place with your friends in January 2025. The “Silvester Rave” is a small traditional party at the northern city gate. Also, the Party will be closed and the Tickets will be available. In der Vergangenheit seien cese ausverkauft gewesen.

The Veranstaltung starts at 10 p.m. Free online card in the Vorverkauf 22 Euro. Its line-up includes “Amilli”, “Autobahn”, “DJ Pheromone” and up to 13 other artists.

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. The tickets will be sold separately and will be stored separately.