
50,000 biathlon fans receive Justus Strelow per day

50,000 biathlon fans receive Justus Strelow per day

Gelsenkirchen. Die Partnerin war Justus Strelow kurzfristig abhanden gekommen. The Sachsen is the best biathlete on Saturday in the Showrennen in the Fußball-Arena of Schalke, together with Vanessa Voigt, with the next season of a Weltcup-Rennen in the Single-Mixed-Staffel starting. Doch am Freitag sagte die Thüringerin aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ab. If you are a foreigner, the German Ski Association (DSV) and Anna Weidel die Ersatzfrau an Strelows Seite ist.

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“Wie Vanessa ist sie ebenfalls a hervorragende Schützin,” says sports chef Felix Bitterling. “Damit has a team with a team that is ready to start. And when there is a year, where the biathlon teams at Schalke are broken, we can have our second team with security also a long time ago and these last weeks of games”, prophesies that he is – and that he has reason. das ähnlich wie a Single-Mixed-Staffel atsgetragen wird, but not in the Weltcup gehört, for around 50,000 Zuschauern behind the Norwegian Karoline Offigstad Knotten and Sturla Holm Laegreid als Zweite ins Ziel – and damit noch vor den höher gehandelten Franziska Preuß/Philipp Nawrath, die Dritte wurden.

Case Studies for the Prize for a Misstep

The Norwegians came to the headquarters to triumph at Massenstart. This time the Weidel/Strelow mit einem Rückstand von 1:10 Minuten Verte
geworden, gefolgt von Preuß/Nawrath. The World Cup-Führenden Preuß took place for 30 weeks aufgebrummt, the Bayerin had the Schießstand under the leadership, anstatt in die Strafrunde zu gehen. “Irgendwie war ich noch im Weihnachts-Blues, glaube ich,” says Preuß. “Blöd natural. So, it was not a hobby and this was also the case for Philipp Leidgetan.

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This wet service does not allow you to fully experience the space, the stimulation war on another level.

Justus Strelow


If you wish to do so in Germany, you will have to take advantage of your stark Schießleistungen. Today it is best for all Norwegians to move between 39 and 40 Scheiben fields. Am Ende hatten sie gut 30 Sekunden Vorsprung auf Weidel/Strelow. “These wet activities take a little less space, pacing warfare to another level,” Strelow said. “Am Schießstand merkt man, dass es ein extrem hektisches Rennen ist. It lasts a little while the man is in Hintertreffen and is at the extreme end under Druck.“

The promotion of the entire ranks in the Schalke-Arena was designed for the event for Justus Strelow for a besonderen Renne.

For Strelow, on January 28, war was a first at the Gelsenkirchen football stadium – and it had not started. “Als Junior durfte ich vor Jahren schon einmal im Nachmittagsprogramm laufen. Vor den Augen meines Vaters et mes Opas war ich quasi die Vorband”, erinnerte er sich. That day it was the DSV intervention program which was for the first time a bad angefragt. Bedenkzeit benötigte er nicht. ” This atmosphere will be led by the athlete who will not let herself go – herself when the World Cup World Cup takes place and in a preview on the other circuits humid which will not allow optimal preparation.”

Please note that this is not the case. Auf den warten die deutschen Fans bereits seit 2016, comme Simon Schempp et Vanessa Hinz gewannen. For Strelow, after the European Championship with the Weltcup in Oberhof, the Schmiedeberger trained for several months.
