
Sylvester and more in Hannover From December 30 to January 5

Sylvester and more in Hannover From December 30 to January 5

Hanover. The last Day of Days 2024 will take place in Hannover, and it will have many freezing hours: The Hannover Congress Center (HCC) will be designed for the great Hannover city retreat; wer schon vor der Zeit starten will, geht zum Frühschoppen ins “Brauhaus Ernst August”, et les Feuerwerk der Turnkunst wird auch wieder gezündet. From December 30 to January 5, from the week of January, there are still new points of sale and a new period of community cinema or tannenbaumweitwurf at Club Béi Chéz Heinz.

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Silvester-Frühschoppen in the city

Tradition in Hanover: Der Silvesterfrühschoppen in der Markthalle.

Silvester is worried from the start – it will take place in Hannover on today’s day, December 31, in the city’s new town. For everyone, the Markthalle is available to your customers. Noch ist allerdings nicht sicher, ob er tatsächlich dort starten kann. Denn die Genehmigung der Stadt steht bisher aus – HAZ et NP berichten tagesaktuell über den Stand der Dinge. Das “Reimanns Eck” on Weißekreuzplatz arrives at 12 o’clock for music and cold drinks. And in the “Brauhaus Ernst August” in Schmiedestraße there will be a time with (and without) alcohol, the party will take place at 11 o’clock.

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Feuerwerk der Turnkunst in the ZAG Arena

Artistic: Das Feuerwerk der Turnkunst kommt Silvester nach Hannover.

In recent months, a new show, in which there are numerous artist groups and solo acts: the feuerwerk der Turnkunst can take place on the anniversary at 5 p.m. in the ZAG Arena in Hannover. With the “Gaia-Tournee 2024/2025”, the Turnshow interprets the play of the element between the sky and artistic space. It’s a synchronization in Asia, a flying act in Europe and an acrobatics in Africa for a single Erlebnis.

Tickets cost around 38.80 euros online or at Ort im HAZ/NP-Ticketshop.

Hannovers big Sylvester evening at the HCC

Silvester im HCC: Rund 3500 Menschen werden hier zusammen ins new year feiern.

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The ultimate last minute plan: the big Hannover zur Feier party in the new month will be held at the Hannover Congress Center. In the future you will be able to see your German Tanzwillige am Silvesterabend ab 21 Uhr auustoben. In the Kuppelsaal, DJ’s Charts and Dance auf, in the Leibniz Hall bring music from the 80s, 90s and 2000s to life, in the Bonatz Hall with Latin and salsa. And R’n’B and Hip-Hop await you at the Runden Saal in your Partylocation.

Free card online at regularly 39 euros. This is probably the best, a 4er, 6er or 8er-Tisch to reserve.

“McGreatAgain”: Films about Donald-Trump news

Donald Trump will be in 2025 at the same time as the American president. The community film from the Künstlerhaus Hannover, Sophienstraße 2, is this time under the title “McGreatAgain”, a film that takes place in the USA and abroad. It took place on Friday, January 3 at 6 p.m. with “Team America – World Police”, a bitter puppet film from “South Park” -Machern and the real-life film “Borat” starring Sacha Baron Cohen. The program ends on February 7 with the film “Henry Fonda for President.” There is also a “Homage to Panem”-marathon created.

The full program can be found at The price costs 6.50 euros, but costs 4.50 euros.

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Hochzeitstage at the Hannover Congress Center

Den passenden Ring finden: The “Hochzeitstage” loaded on January 4 and 5 at HCC one.

It will all take place on the bustling day of life at the “Hochzeitstage” on Saturday and Sunday, January 4 and 5, in the Eilenriedehalle of the Hannover Congress Center. Auf der Messe founden Paare alles, was sie für ihre besondere Feier brauchen. Vort sind zum Beispiel Hochzeitsplaner, Konditoreien, Caterer, Musikbands et Juweliere, aber auch Autovermietungen et Reiseveranstalter. Besucherinnen et Besucher können Brautkleider et Smokings anprobieren, Schmuck auswählen et kulinarische Köstlichkeiten genießen – a day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

A Tagesticket for the Veranstaltung costs 14 euros, it is online at erhältlich.

Tannenbaumweitwurf im Béi Chez Heinz

Original Entsorgung: Der Tannenbaumweitwurf im Béi Chez Heinz.

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Like us the Tannenbäume flies, between the Hannoveranerinnen and Hannoveraner on Sunday, January 5, around 2 p.m. in Limmer: Das Béi Chéz Heinz lädt zum großen Tannenbaumweitwurf ein – eine Veranstaltung mit langer Tradition. In January 2024, the varnishes were installed in a new setting of the Weltrekord: a Baum whips 27 meters deep. Bei Glühwein und Feuerschale geht es nun darum, ob dieser Rekord gebrochen werden kann. Two experts analyzed and commented on the Würfe, a jury was there. This means that there is nothing we can do, but also Präzision, Technik und Performance sind Criterien. Aus Gründen der Fairness remained at the Club de la Bäume, interested in doing so until now. Unterschieden wird dabei 2wischen mittleren und großen Bäumen. Kinder werden gesondert berücksichtigt. At 5 p.m., the purchase price is set at the factory.