
Can I use Drambuie for Advocaat and ginger cake? | Ask

Can I use Drambuie for Advocaat and ginger cake? | Ask

Complete question

I cannot purchase Advocaat here in the US. I followed Nigella’s suggestion of making mine by adding brandy to the custard. It wasn’t really sweet enough for me. Can I use Drambuie instead of brandy? Or ginger liqueur perhaps?

Photo by Jay Brooks
No-Bake Avocado Ginger Cake

Our response

Nigella’s No-Bake Avocado Ginger Cake is a layered dessert made with sticky ginger cake and a light, rich avocado-flavored cream. Advocaat is a liqueur traditionally made from eggs, sugar and cognac. Some advocates also add cream, to make a drink more like eggnog. Different brands are available and you can usually find liquor stores that sell them in the United States. However, Nigella suggested an alternative to the Advocaat by adding brandy to the custard or custard.

If you find that this mixture is not sweet enough, you can always add a little extra icing (confectioner) sugar to the custard mixture to sweeten it more, or taste the mascarpone cream mixture and add more sugar if necessary. However, if you add the sugar to the mascarpone mixture, be careful not to overmix as the mascarpone cream can thicken too much if whipped for too long. Drambuie is a whiskey and honey liqueur, so it’s slightly sweeter than brandy but we’re not sure it’s as sweet. However, if you have Drambuie and prefer to use it, it should go in the cake.