
Find out more about Inspiration – and discover the Tennis World

Find out more about Inspiration – and discover the Tennis World

And Kind with Evonne Goolagong aufgrund ihrer Herkunft benachteiligt. If you do so, you will be able to adjust the speed, but it will also be too big.

On December 31, 1977, Evonne Goolagong Cawley also found herself in her Australian era, where she demonstrated in Paris and London. You can win a Turniere Grand Slam. And das trotz ihrer Abstammung, trotz ihrer Geschichte – aufgrund ihres Talents, ihres Könnens et ihres Willens.

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Jener 31. December 1977 played for the game of tennis in a Befreiungsschlag gewesen sein. And this is not the case, but a title in a Grand Slam will not be possible – as happens at Roland Garros and in the Wimbledon war if you have three years for a tournament – ​​we will be fine in your Heimat gelang. Now it’s time to start.

1971, 1972 and 1973 were the last 73 years since the end of the Australian Open, which was held with the same third party. Two wars of the Landsfrau Margaret Court against Stark, one Virginia Wade. The war of 1974 no longer requires anything. The final took place with American star Chris Evert.

Wimbledon and big Ziel

Neben Erleichterung dürfte Goolagong Cawley seinerzeit auch Genugtuung erfüllt haben. Einfach hatte es die Sportlerin seinerzeit nämlich nicht. Beim besten Willen nicht. Der Grund: ihre Herkunft. As Aboriginal people, the inhabitants of Australia, they are members of the Wiradjuri and a clan of central New South Wales.

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While children play war during young years for all, they are born for the sport of tennis. “I have these guiding principles in a gelesen magazine”, I found them in an interview with CNN Open Court zurück.

“A hand of a young girl, trained and another name for Wimbledon, has been created, which is in a magical place. I don’t want that to be the case, but you say: ‘Yes, this person is in England.”

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Sieben’s Grand Slam title for Goolagong

The motivation war is over. Ball games such as the time of a ball generate a wand or a reservoir of water, symbolized by the network of the All England Club. “Jedes Mal, when I arrived at a specific time, I realized this beautiful center court to play, and jedes Mal, when I hit the traffic, I realized I would be gone.”

1971, 20 days after the death, it is wrong to see a bigger trauma. The start of their career as Spitz “Sunshine Super Girl” brought Australia triumph at Wimbledon. I’ve been alone for a year and I want the French Open to be played.

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Insgesamt gelangen ihr en ihrer Karriere sieben Grand-Slam-Triumphe. Before the US Open, you will not be ready to play crazy finals.

Aboriginal children with big nights

68 Turniersege stehen in the Balance Sheet of the Australian, die es wohl nicht gegeben hätte, hätte nicht einst un Mann aus ihrer Heimat die young Evonne dazu ermutigt, Tennis zu spielen, nachdem er sie immer wieder dabei beobachtet hatte, wie sie durch den Zaun eines örtlichen Spacious tennis courts.

A besondere gesture, wurden Aborigines doch benachteiligt et waren weit verbreiteten Vorurteilen ausgesetzt. So this is an old time Australian for the best, Aboriginal children in their family, an Armut man and a white Australian society education business for people.

“Jedes Mal, when a car from the street drives further, said my Mutter, we have sollten un verstecken, sonst würde uns ein Sozialarbeiter mitnehmen”, so the legend of tennis is in CNN-Interview. Doch die Familie Goolagong blieb zusammen et accompanies Tocher Evonne bei ihrem Traum.

Stiftung als wichtige Aufgabe

Then, a Tennistrainer from Sydney took care of him and he will be at his side for two years in the Metropolis. Like in your Heimat, you are also in the millionaire town of Rassismus, and when your trainer is in place, you have the chance to have fun. “Uh hat mir beigebracht, nicht an das zu glauben, was man liest, sondern an sich self, habe ich nie etwas gelesen. Heute white ich, dass er mich von vielen Dingen ferngehalten hat.

Your activities in tennis stores are also very difficult to overcome, which is a barrier against the wind. So last you see 1972 als erste Nicht-Weiße in Südafrika zu Zeiten der Apartheid and an a Turnier teilnehmen.

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Today, their foundation has partnered with their Mann Roger Cawley for the hat, Einheimischen in Australia. So, children perform with the tennis games to begin with.

“Träumen, Glauben, Lernen, Erreichen”, lautet dabei das Devise. A motto, das sie auch in ihrem eigenen Leben weit gebracht hat.