
Was Musiker and Kreative jetzt wissen müssen » TONSPION

Was Musiker and Kreative jetzt wissen müssen » TONSPION

GEMA is legally responsible for OpenAI before. Die Musterklage könnte weitreichende Folgen für Musiker, Texter et Komponisten haben. Was this fall for creation planned?

“GEMA is also the first operating company in the world to have a culture environment not approved by specialized music factories, created by an administrator of artistic intelligence (KI) generating systems. Konkret is an American OpenAI company, which offers a self-generating chatbot system. Die GEMA wirft OpenAI vor, geschützte Songtexte von deutschen Urheberinnen und Urhebern wiederzugeben, ohne dafür Lizenzen erworben beziehungsweise die Urheberinnen et Urheber der genenutzten Werke vergütet zu haben. The Verfahren dient dazu nachzuweisen, the OpenAI systematisch das Repertoire der GEMA use, um seine System zu trainieren. » (What: GEMA)

Warum die Klage der GEMA wichtig ist

Generative KI hat the Potenzial, ganze Branchen zu transformieren – also die Music. The system like ChatGPT is used with urheberrechtlich instructions during training, often launching you into the song text from the GEMA repertoire. The problem: Weder die Urheber noch die Rechteinhaber wurden vergütet. The Klage der GEMA soll klären, ob und wie KI-Anbieter für die Nutzung geschützter Werke zahlen müssen.

Laut GEMA-CEO Dr. Tobias Holzmüller is closer to the downfall of a lawyer: “The songs we offer are not the free Rohstoff for the KI administrator’s models. Wer these Werke nutstzt, muss eine Lizenz erwerben und fair vergüten.“

The perspective of creation

Für Musiker et Texter steht viel auf dem Spiel. OpenAI offers billions of products with products that are based on urheberrechtlich foundations. For any creative life, this is one of your goals. An example: Sync-Lizenzen für Werbemusik, a lucrative venue, which will be created by the tracks generated by KI.

Where traditional licensing models such as streaming or radio are available, KI has established rules in Frage. Is the Songtext „nur“ from Training original or directly reproduced? Solche Fragen is a very effective technique for applications.

KI-Lizenzen: Risk or chance?

KI-Anbieter often operates in the Grisons rechtlichen. If we were offen an, welche Daten sie nutzen, noch welche Werke direct or indirect im Output auftauchen. When this practice is legitimate, the right of Urheber is at hand.


ACT DES MONATS: Linkin Park (Photo: James Minchin)

Die GEMA hat ein Lizenzmodell für KI entwickelt, the Musiker and Texter fair an der Wertschöpfung beteiligen soll. Solche Modelle könnten Kreativen a neue Einnahmelle bieten – vorausgesetzt, sie werden konsequent umgesetzt. Allerdings lauert in der Lizenzierung von creativen Inhalten auch eine Gefahr. KI is not simple in another channel for music streaming, you have to go directly to the Konkurrenz mit den Kreativen!

Warum Generator Generator KI keine Lossung ist

The idea, generative KI through regulatory licensing, is available for compromise. Doch in Wahrheit würde eine Lizenzierung the Problem nicht lösen, sondern verschärfen. Schaffenden’s creative companies do simple, risky work for their work and their existence, while still being easy to achieve.


Weil KI auf Basis ihrer Arbeit Milliarden „ähnliche“ Werke schaffen kann. Ohne I have a single cent in the creation, the instrumentation, the acquisition of an own style or the production invested zu haben, erschafft sie unendlich viele Clone von der Beit von Millionen Musikern, Textern, Fotografen, Künstlern.

KI will create an Arbeit ersetzen

Generative KI will be created as a company, with the creative project taken care of. Naturally, you can start experimenting with KI experts and if you have new ideas, music to create. Doch ce Systeme operates directly with men, deren Werke sie nutszen, um sich self zu verbessern. The music, specially designed for the web or the background of cinema and series, is composed of – a central market for old musicians – which will be produced by the tracks generated by KI. Damit fell to the head of the Job Weg, with the old musicians of their music teachers. If you are interested in our articles, the kit from KI will be written and it will be the “Original” book which will be added: no more, we will have training dates and we will also be able to do so.

Licensing support services do not stop at this process, but it must be taken into account so far: we have good training in KI and we help you to do it later, which allows you to ‘perform more maintenance and license more. Is the music industry within reach, for businesses to practice, with their own creative output at their fingertips?

The KI Blackbox

Another problem is the intransparency of the KI administrator. This is cutting-edge work, where companies create a KI model for training, and these activities take place using KI-generated games. Outputs from KI systems must not be copied, but also errors in unauthorized data. Even when the European AI law allowed transparency of training dates: it was an artist who had to work with millions of other dates and who had to become a million years old. The design template cannot be used at the end: take advantage of the end of the superpower of the KI-Konzerne, the dominated game and the wisdom of the aufgesaugt world, to achieve remixing and further performance. Creators are becoming even more profitable, like on Spotify, the most famous artists now only have a portfolio of tasks for their work.

Generelle KI ist an Irrweg – sie muss bekämpft werden

Licenses cannot be applied – you just have to write a booklet for further responses to the music and texts. Insofern greift die Klage der GEMA viel zu kurz. Generelle KI is an irregular path. All means must be implemented when the training program for men respects women. It is a real work of creation, work of creation which is committed and which meets the expectations of men who want to contribute. Sie schafft nichts Neues.

All services are carried out directly by the PR-Abteilungen of the KI-Unternehmen, die ihr Geschäftsmodell mit sehr viel Geld am Markt wollen. These verses are published in little-known articles, without any caption in Frage zu stellen. Often also like Drohung getarnt: wer keine KI nutzt, ist morgen weg vom Fenster. Anxiety sells!

Un Angriff auf die Lebensgrundlage von Kreativen

The zerstörerischen KI effects generator can be found in other branches bereits deutlich spürbar. Students can enjoy a huge return on investment for creative services such as copy, graphic designs, or software. The entwickler is now in the Lage den KI-generierten Code zu entschlüsseln, wenn sie immer more ihrer Fähigkeiten “auslagern”.

In the music industry there is a widespread trend: generic KI pieces are art pieces, more brilliant pieces and many interpretation methods with artists. Also of the ehemaligen Plattenfirmen kommt das gelegen, the massenhaft KI-Generatoren betreiben könnte, statt sich mit Komponisten et Produzenten herumzuschlagen. Doch was bedeutet das für Menschen, die vom creativen Schaffen leben?

Music is not a product. This is a menschlicher Erfahrung and Emotionen ausdruck experience. This dimension is completely ignored by KI – and hence their preferred elements are often outdated. For KI, music is just in a data location, so that it is manipulated last. There is yet to be a good piece of KI music produced by words and it should be ready to go, as I passed. Music for music videos is available, quality is very even, so length is best possible atmosphere.

Legitimized use of system caps

According to the arguments of licensing models, this is just a problem. The problem is still there. The Einsatz von KI in the musical branch does not have technical mastery, but this is a philosophical problem:

  • Was it possible for Schaffen to create, when Maschinen dominated?
  • What financial artist do you have in your life, when does KI have my pre-school job?
  • Wollen wir in einer Welt leben, in der alles nur noch simuliert wird, self Musik?

The licensing model is not compatible with these fragments. This is a legitimate and legitimate system, based on creativity menschlicher Verdrängung.

Fazit: Respekt statt Ausbeutung

Generative KI ist darauf ausgelegt, Menschen zu ersetzen, nicht, sie zu unterstützen. Under the umbrella of OpenAI, the work on other works, in-depth knowledge, creations schaffen mit Respekt zu behandeln. Das bedeutet Transparenz, make Vergütung et un clair Grenzen für die Nutzung geschützter Inhalte.

It is necessary to use them, creative companies nach Belieben verhackstücken zu dürfen. I have another song by Taylor Swift in her bestandteile zerlegen and dannlich, but another bisschen on the market brings. Now it’s the right thing to do. And this must also be true in all areas.

Ohne these Voraussetzungen bleibt nur eine clair Haltung: Jegliche Zusammenarbeit mit KI-Anbietern, die sich nicht an cese Prinzipien halten, muss von Kreativen et ihren Vertretern consequently abgelehnt werden. Denn Musik is a Rohstoff for Maschinen. Sie ist ein druck our culture – and our green respect.



Generative AI vs. music: why licensing is a dangerous bet