
Jesper Munk kehrt mit new Album zurück – München

Jesper Munk kehrt mit new Album zurück – München

Together with Jesper Munk in April 2018 he released his album “Favourite Stranger” which was released in major sections. The young Municher demonstrated on his second plate for the major label “Warner Records” and made Wagemut do it, so that he would take on his next Schritt. Among the young Bluesrock specialists with Punk-Appeal, the cover of previous albums “Claim” and with greater differences in the positive universe, the war on “Favourite Stranger” fell into the same crooner in Smoking, der in Songs like “Solitary” Tiefe des Soul für sich entdeckt hat.

Sechs Jahre is this Verwandlung which throws it away. And a Jesper Munk man on the phone in this newspaper, who clearly says it’s not the easiest for this war. This is how it finds itself in the great spheres of the music industry, which gives rise to a diploma in learning artistic flutes, which is in the world of “Indie” arts and the ability to ” Independent.”

Winter-Tollwood auf der Theresienwiese

:Munich Zeltstadt light

A festival with a first film show, three Zirkus-Kompanien, a new Wege-Labyrinth and Clubstars at the Silvester-Party – the Tollwood will take place in Advent 2024 for good.

“Wir waren irgendwann einfach nicht more kongruent”, says Jesper Munk, and verdeutlicht sein Selbstverständnis als Musiker aus dem Indie-Fach mit einem Einblick ins Major-Nähkästchen: “Wenn es heißt, man bräuchte da jetzt noch 40 Prozent mehr Midtempo-Nummer n auf This album is functional, it’s another song, as I understand it. And then the man must be naturally at ease.

Munk, now 31, made himself more abwägend and self-critical to everyone like Groll. Er habe sich damals vor lauter Ausführungsdruck schon auch self das eine oder andere Bein gestellt, sagt er. And of course, there are people who are at Warner and who have been very happy. “Aber dieser zahlenorientierte Teil der Industrie war einfach total falsch für mich. Am Ende habe ich mich dann so quergestellt, dass sie mich rausschmeißen mussten.“

Seine Solo-Karriere is not aus den Augen verloren

For the Wahlberliner war, it is the Rückblick which gives the rich Entscheidung. It is then possible to create a sphere in a free contrast program from the Major-Label-Kosmos robot, which will also be available on the new Horizonte. For an experimental post-punk band PDOA (Public Display Of Affection), die er mit seiner damaligen Partnerin Madeleine Rose ins Leben rief. And there’s more to the guitar of the wavigen Art-Noise-Band Plattenbau.

The Seine Solo-Karriere is then not aus den Augen verloren. If you are still in the same situation, you will definitely be able to make writing and songwriting more difficult years later. “Eher schwappend als Linear” sei das Ganze vorangeschritten, they say. Den Durchbruch brachten ihm dann Cassette heads. A Kollektiv Soul and Jazz, in its own format, is supported, in which musicians and session musicians are integrated, and this in this stand, with a song from the Gastes on aufzunehmen cassette.

You have the session video of Jesper Munks’ ballad “Rush” on YouTube and, I’m happy to be there for you, he’s still there in that Truppe hat. “Perfekt aufeinander zugelaufen” sei das mit cesen Jungs, mit denen er sich so sicher wie noch nie mit einer Band gefühlt habe. Kein Wunder also, the man began to work with the cover album “Tapped Heart Sounds” intensively, and the cassette heads were released to the new Munks album “Yesterdaze” so that it would not be auf Tour zu begleiten.


The SZ editorial team caps this article with a single contribution from YouTube anger

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And it’s “Yesterdaze” letztlich Jesper Munk pure. That’s why this plate came in all areas, it was produced itself – and it was completely designed with the skills of its new managers Gerald Huber at the independent label “Glitterhouse”. Das Album represents a representation of an “uncontrollable form of the Neustarts,” he said.

Das kann man unbedingt so stehen lassen. You can use the sound of another Roland TR-505 drum machine based on songs in your device to bring them out of an Art Soul with other means, like a case of Guss.

Erstaunlich genug. Jesper Munk did not realize that it was a simple contrast, and he was independent of the creative sound of the machine with organized elements, which gave him a new work of his own, as he said. The great contrast that Munk aber im Hinblick auf sich self und seine künstlerische Rolle geschaffen: Er hat nonn, anders als das früher einmal war, wieder die volle Kontrolle.

Jesper Munk, November 26, Club Stereo, Nuremberg; November 27, Volks Theater, Munich (ausverkauft); November 28, Westpark, Ingolstadt (solo); November 29, Rocket Club, Landshut (solo); 1. December, Algasing, BB Forum (solo)