
Macaulay Culkin: Was the “Kevin allein zu Haus” star there?

Macaulay Culkin: Was the “Kevin allein zu Haus” star there?

Zuerst war is a kinderstar mit Kinoerfolgen, then he is in the Liebling of the Klatschpresse: Macaulay Culkin appeared by Rolle as young Kevin McCallister in the comedy “Kevin allein zu Haus” at the Weltstar. After the arrival of the new arrivals, there are 44 days of turbulent youth and it stretches above the light of day. Yesterday and a Rolle, then another two auftritte öffentliche – it’s an old day of ruhig one of the einstigen Senkrechtstarter.

Macaulay Culkin wrote with “Kevin allein zu Haus” at Weltstar

These two days are now in place of the Schauspieler wieder bergauf. Macaulay Culkin is now stabilized and is in Hollywood as a fragment. In January 2021, there was a comeback in the series “American Horror Story”, which had a very positive resonance in Rolle, and in December 2023 there will be a background of the “Walk of Fame” – a time for a new version of der Filmwelt.

It’s obvious that Culkin is one of the “reversed geniuses” in the Prime video series “Fallout.” It is about an eccentric character in a post-apocalyptic world, that is to say, the möglichkeit is given, if in a dark environment, it ends very well with a Kinderstar image to be free.

New subject for Macaulay Culkin: Hauptrolle in the Prime video series “Fallout”

The Schauspieler Macaulay Culkin was broadcast in the zeitgeist as Kinderstar gesprochen. (Archive image)

Macaulay Culkin has even more images for this image. In an interview with “Esquire” magazine, the New Yorker came out in February 2020 about the research, his brother Ruhm with his brachte, and his part. It is true that this is a period in the history of the people of society who had a normal life to surrender and find themselves. Culkin says: “I just want bisschen normalcy. Je wollte, dass alles etwas langsamer geht.“

During a famous career as a Kinderstar, the story of the century 1990 with films like “Kevin – Allein zu Haus”, the strong set “Kevin allein in New York” and “My Girl” took place, like Macaulay Culkin 1994 after the Schauspielerei zurück flop “Richie Rich”. This break ended quickly for a month, in 2003, Kehrte Culkin with “Party Monster” within the Leinwand zurück. Sollte Jahre dauern, bis sich seine Karriere halbwegs erholt hatte. In the past, the band The Pizza Underground is also a musician.

“My Girl” -Star sprach über seine Vergangenheit mit Drogen

In a new interview with “Access Hollywood” from January 2023, she is reflected within the event, as a Teenager within the Showgeschäft zurückzuziehen. He said, “This is war and this is what I have to do for myself, and I have to do it, and I have to do it as the first man.” »

Culkin also has a tendency to get into trouble with drugs and alcohol. I am “Esquire” who reflects on this subject within Vergangenheit and within the Drogenkonsum brothers as “Game with Fire”. It is true that there is no dental clinic that was responsible for this phase of “herausgewachsen” though.

Bereits 2016 äußerte sich Culkin in a einem Interview mit “The Guardian” zu Gerüchten über a angebliche Heroinabhängigkeit. We will explain the speculations and evaluate the means for your sensations. Culkin says, “I didn’t have to pay $6,000 for heroin. Was it my way of thinking, that is to say that the Boulevardblätter alles so verkauft haben, als wären sie total besorgt. Nein, sie wollten nur ihre Auflage erhöhen.“

Ex-Kinderstar is the big family

Private läuft es for Culkin, nach einer gescheiterten Ehe im Teenageralter, sehr gut. Pretend play has been happening since 2017 with 36-year-old Disney pretend play Brenda Song (“Zack & Cody”). Gemeinsam haben sie deux Söhne: Dakota, born in April 2021, who will be in 2009 verstorbenen Schwester benannt. Another Sohn, in March 2023, for the whole world.

Die Familie lebt zurückgezogen und gibt nur selten Details aus ihrem Privatleben price. Lustige bis humorvolle Schnappschüsse gibt es hin et wieder on Instagram, allerdings nie in Verbindung mit ihren kindern, die bewusst von der Öffentlichkeit abschirmen, um ihnen vielleicht die unbeschwerte kindheit zu ermöglichen, die Culkin himself does not have a hat.