
Das sind die “Hear Me Out” from the editorial staff of Watson

Das sind die “Hear Me Out” from the editorial staff of Watson

Image: watson/sabethvela

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On TikTok, the viral “Hear Me Out” trend is giving rise to men watching people struggle to see their characters fall. We won’t see it.

The ‘Hear Me Out’ trend will see men on social media and their special crushes. There is also no winter time 0815 for Hollywood lovers like Ryan Gosling, which seems to be more interesting. On TikTok we have seen the Hase of Nesquik, the Pringles logo or Gordon Ramsay created. It’s so Crushes, in the man in the Bedürfnis hat, who says: “Listen to me, I can hear it.” This is Watson’s editorial version of “Hear Me Out.”

Video: Watson/Watsin/Sabethvela

Carlo Natter

“Nala von ‘König der Löwen’! No one has to listen to me, everyone understands.”

Nala is Simba’s friend at the “König der Löwen”.Image: Disney

Timo Wettstein

“Fix Kim Possible.” If you have a cool Socke, die alles kann.”

Kim Possible is the main character of the unique Disney series. Sie ist a Geheimagentin.Image: disney

Léna Schibli

“Listen to me!!! Do I really not have more information, or do I? Franklin von ‹Franklin – Eine Schildkröte erobert die Welt›.”

Franklin’s series is made up of a young savings card, with a few friends from their world.Image: ARD Mediathek

Hanna Dédial

“I came across the Hot Priest from ‘Fleabag’. It’s also a Hear Me Out, when the man in the series doesn’t have a hat. Sonst is a definitive man who was pronounced by Gottesmann, by Andrew Scott. And the love story may even end, but he’s also a Catholic priest. With such a lively charm. Man merkt so krass, dass der Charakter von einer Frau geschrieben wurde! I just got my business degree with Liebeskummer, hah.”

Image: amazon prime

Olivier Meier

“For Mich als Philosophy-Fan is naturally clear: My Heimlicher Crush is Barbara Bleisch. Warum? Darum.”

Image: SRF Sternstunde Philosophie

Sabeth Vela

“Nick Wilde from ‘Zoomania’! No matter what, if you don’t have extra hot gemacht haben, mit seinen schelmischen Gesichtsausdrücken!”

Nick Wilde is Judy Hopps’ police partner from “Zoomania.”Image: [email protected]

Raphaël Bühlmann

“Well, Misty from Pokémon!” What’s the problem with your Erklärung? Ein bisschen zickig, cool, rote Haare! What do you think about hair by heart? »

Image: Pokémon

Is Welcher’s character ‘Hear Me Out’? Schreibe is in the comments!


These films and series focused on the new Disney

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These films and series focused on the new Disney

“Krieg of the Stern”

Yes, Disney worked with the head of Lucasfilm, the rights to the “Star Wars” brand. Was it not so bad, we saw the Vertriebsrechte für the Original trilogy. No, the Mauskonzern can also theoretically have a new version of the episode until it hits the market.

Image: 20th Century Fox

what: 20th century fox

Kuriose Liebesgeständnisse: This is the new TikTok trend “Hear-Me-Out-Cake”

Video: Watson

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