
Black Friday-Angebot: 72 pay TV and Disney+ transmitters at 9 euros per month

Black Friday-Angebot: 72 pay TV and Disney+ transmitters at 9 euros per month


With the Perfect Plus package from you now have 72 pay TV transmitters. Today, the time goes to 9 euros and 13 euros per month. Disney+ is free now. is activated with a robot: your Perfect Plus package is available for a price of 9 euros each year. Disney+ is free now. (What:

Draußen ist es kalt und mancherorts schneit es sogar schon. This part of the film is now on the right. With this robot from, you will have a short palette that will make a blockbuster for a price of 9 euros in one month for sale. On December 2 at 11:59 p.m., you will receive your Perfect Plus bundle of gifts for an early bird price and a free year of Disney+.

The Perfect Plus-Paket from is broadcast every time on the Live-Stream of more than 280 transmitters, 270 times later than you want in HD. Unter den 280 Sendern found you 72 Pay-TV-Sender – launching RTL Crime, 13th Street and Syfy. We received a package of 30,000 films and series in April and the possibility of receiving up to 100 million linear TV programs available and available.

  • Connect to live feeds from 280 TV transmitters (up to 72 pay TV transmitters)

  • Then again you will see all the current streams

  • Disney+ Standard-Abo with enthalten prices

The regular price of Perfect Plus on is 12.99 euros last month and will be available for one year for 9 euros. I found it on, an episode of Disney+. This is a standard product that costs 5.99 euros for your business. Your share for this offer is also 8.99 euros and priced at 108 euros during the year.

You will also receive your Standard rate price from Disney+ with the Standard plan or Premium rate offer. Hierfür werden monatlich 1.74 beziehungsweise 2.74 Euro fällig.

With Disney+ you will not find an exclusive own production like the Star Wars series “The Mandalorian”, which will also be an active blockbuster of the production studios like “It’s all in Kopf 2” or Avatar.

However, since your nach a year kündigen müsst, andernfalls verlängert es sicht Disney+-Abo zum annnn regularer gültigen Prices. It would cost 17.99 euros. Das Golden Angebot is not available for Netherlands, but also the best deals from to make sure the stock price is safe and your rates are improved.

Trick : Think Disney+ isn’t available? also allows you to watch Netflix safely.

Was it is not known today: your ISP is a live TV transmitter that allows you to access your live stream through a live TV transmitter. They will contact you once again for further instructions. offers other apps for Android devices, iPhone like Apple TV and Fire TV Stick for use. Auch im Browser am PC or Mac ist the Service abrufbar.

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