
Wertpapier Profil Open-End Turbo-Optionsschein auf Spotify Technology (Vontobel) WKN VC8GBR ISIN DE000VC8GBR2 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpapier Profil Open-End Turbo-Optionsschein auf Spotify Technology (Vontobel) WKN VC8GBR ISIN DE000VC8GBR2 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Lauda-Königshofen ( – Harald Zwick from “” has chosen to carry out a check of an Open End Turbo Long (ISIN DE000VC8GBR2 / WKN VC8GBR) by Vontobel auf die Aktie von Spotify ( ISIN LU1778762911 / WKN A2JEGN) vor.

Dem Management von Spotify is in place, with the music streaming service being profitable thanks to management. The Konsenschätzung des erwarteten KGVs 2026 liege aktuell bei 38.01. However, if Spotify is stored, the Wachstum will be available and in the high KGV you will receive it. Somit könnte auch der Aufwärtstrend fortgesetzt werden.

I wrote Quartal sei die Zahl der zahlenden Abonnenten von Spotify auf 252 Millionen gestiegen, was a einem Zuwachs von 12 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspreche. The company Monatlich Aktiven Nutzer, a company specializing in business sectors, had a percentage of 640 million dollars. Beide Entwicklungen seien stärker als von Experten erwartet ausgefallen. Umsatz is at 20 percent and the US$4 billion mark is coming quickly. For the month of August 2024, the bet will cost at least 13.2 billion euros.

Spotify financial dates are now available, more and more experts offer you programs for current activity. So, JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth is positive for Spotify’s business and that Kursziel of 425 to 530 dollars erhöht, was laut ihm auf a vielversprechende Investitionsmöglichkeit hinweise.

Spotify’s quarter-checking services are at some point at the moment. While the paper was activated by a draft ausgebildet, in the interior territory of the Kurs of two years it was inserted 553 percent until it came into force. The first move to the next stage of the other hours of the day is February 22, 2021. The level of the US dollar is 387.44 US dollars in a period of 42 days, which will take place on November 6, 2024 to during the month of November 2024. The time has come to find the Court in Neuland and on November 14, the price fell to 489.69 US dollars.

Die Marktteilnehmer seien dabei, den sprunghaften Kurszuwachs zu verdauen. Dadurch seien auch Gewinnmitnahmen inkludiert, die den Kurs innerhalb des Aufwärtstrendkanals nach unten drückten. The fundamental commitment in time 2024 to 2026, a plus on the budget level of 96 percent, was issued by KGV 2026 for 38.01 dollars. However, if you do not speak before, you have already received Spotify management, this Wachstum in 2026 is strong and the balance sheet remains unchanged.

Also, if you have Spotify gellingen, the Wachstum forttzusetzen and in the hohe KGV hineinzuwachsen.

With the Open End Turbo Long there is a risk of lightness, one of the biggest costs of Spotify’s business in the next few women is $3.90 in profit. The price is 536.01 US dollars (18.68 euros per derivative). The absence of an anti-Knock-Out barrier costs 25 percent. The action in this speculative position may be such that dabei stets under the Beachtung a risikobegrenzenden Stoppkurses an.

This base value corresponds to 387.44 US dollars. I am Open End Turbo Long which could give you a stoppkurs at 4.65 euros. For this speculative idea, the chance-risk-verhältnis dann 1.2 zu 1. (20.11.2024/oc/a/a)

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