
Google read data protection information on the Tage

Google read data protection information on the Tage

Google makes the data protection functions of Android operating systems available to you further. With the first Android 16 developer program, Google used a single app to use the app. The new version has nothing to do with a single click in the Zugriffian history of centuries past.

This new version is based on the recommendations that apply to Android 15. Dort wurde the Privacy Dashboard in die Hauptseite for Datenschutz and Sicherheit integrated (to be found under Privacy dashboard). Bisher konnten Nutzer lediglich die Zugriffe der letzten 24 Stunden einsehen. This description will be carried out by an aufgehoben nun.

The last few details are available, welche Anwendungen Zugriff auf Standort, Kamera und Mikrofon hatten. The feature is a new “Zone 7 Tag” menu in the Privacy Dashboards menu. The grundlegende Design der Zeitachsen-Ansicht seems to be uncontrollable, which means that the Dargestellte Zeitraum has been created. And, badly ehrlich: Schon often sleeps reingeschaut?

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