
Microsoft knows .NET 9-Verfügbarkeit an

Microsoft knows .NET 9-Verfügbarkeit an

Microsoft has participated in .NET Conf-Events 2024 across .NET 9 activities since. The new version of the mutual aid platform provides comprehensive solutions in the areas of reading, security and functionality.

Leistungsschub für Entwickler

First in October, the second Release Candidate for the Open-Source-Entwicklungsframework was published, but this is the final version. The free, quelloffène and plattformübergreifende Framework provides effective solutions with such methods, companies working in difficult conditions. There are over 1,000 additional blog posts available from Microsoft in blog support. Solutions that apply to general configuration, versatile workloads, and programming practices are performed with ease.

Schneller, besser, effizienter

Laut dem TechEmpower-Benchmark verarbeitet .NET 9 jetzt 15 Prozent more anfragen im Vergleich zu .NET 8. Commissioning benefits from schema optimization, inline insertion and strong synchronization of Arm64 code generation . These recommendations towards an effective efficiency are gestureigerte bei der Entwicklung et dem Betrieb von Anwendungen.

Like Microsoft (via Neowin), the update is also significant for ASP.NET Core. These are authentication and authorization services for Blazor, SignalR, OpenAPI. Discover a universal toolset for modern web applications with many features.

KI integration is easy

With Microsoft.Extensions.AI and Microsoft.Extensions.VectorData for .NET 9, a single abstraction in C# is an interaction with KI services. These global presentation templates, integrations and other KI functions as well as intelligent integration into .NET applications.

Time with .NET 9 is also available for .NET Aspire 9. This solution is available, resources directly on a dashboard for use and a container on debug sites are enabled to stop. The integration of .NET Aspire 9 for reliable KI services like OpenAI and OLLama was the best introduction to KI applications.

Langfristige Undertaking and Ökosystem

.NET 9 is provided by Microsoft and the Standard-Term-Support (STS) version is available for 18 months with comprehensive security updates. In addition, the last version of the version is available for .NET 8 versions, which is released in January and also with Long-Term Support (LTS) Version for three years. Support veröffentlicht wurde.

Microsoft has im Rahmen des .NET Conf-Events 2024, now they verbesserungen für the NuGet-Ökosystem angekündigt, the laut Unternehmen das am schnellsten wachsende Paket-Ökosystem ist. offers a cool design with dark mode support. We also have a partner with GitHub native NuGet support for Dependabot.

Downloads of .NET 9 and updates for Visual Studio 2022 are available from Microsoft Online.

Was this your haltet von den Neuerungen in .NET 9? Do the Leistungsverbesserungen für eure Project seem relevant to you? Please note that Erfahrungen et Erwartungen in the Comments mit!


  • Microsoft veröffentlicht .NET 9 mit tausenden Verbesserungen
  • 15 Prozent more Anfragen im Vergleich zu .NET 8
  • Important new features for ASP.NET Core, Blazor and SignalR
  • A simple abstract schema for KI services in C# created
  • .NET Aspire 9 is readily available for available resources
  • Standard term support for 18 months with security updates
  • NuGet-Ökosystem offers solutions and new design

See also: