
New Richtlinien sollen Zugang zu Finanzprodukten erleichtern

New Richtlinien sollen Zugang zu Finanzprodukten erleichtern


A coalition of more international organizations has many rich lines for trading companies, financial product companies have solutions. It is a digital financial service and innovation at the forefront, as well as a robot and financial product for the future.

Neben Investitionen in a digital öffentliche Infrastruktur and weitere bemühungen, the 1.4 Billion Menschen ohne Zugang with an Bankkonto einzubeziehen, könnten the sogenannten ‘Open Finance’ the new Wachstumsschub for the Finanzdienstleistungsbranche werden. 76% of the Weltbevölkerung has ben last Zugang zu a Bankkonto. Mithilfe von ‘Open Finance’ offers other financial products intended to create advantages for companies.

Majesty King Maxime in his role as Special Advocate to the United Nations Secretary-General for Financial Health (UNSGSA) said he has an interest in ensuring that financial products benefit optimally – although I am not not sure, that financial goods or financial products are not authorized. versorgt wurden.

„Wir haben bereits big Fortschritte gemacht, was den Zugang zu Bankkonten angeht. But it is good today to make sure that you have a small investor and a financial service that benefits and that the product is found, so that it is possible to find alternatives – both in the plans of ‘savings or in financial services,’ said UNSGSA Königin. Maxim. “Mit einem entsprechenden Schutz von Daten et Verbrauchern können ‘Open Finance’ untscheidende Rolle spielen, wenn es um den Zugang zu Finanzprodukten et um das finanzielle Wohlergehen von Verbrauchern geht.”

“When “Open Finance” is rich in information, it knows the fundamental situation and the legend talks about it. “So we have our financial products, we have to deal with them,” said World Bank Group President Ajay Banga. “Das könnte auch einen Boom für Kleinunternehmen auslösen. We are working with many states to create a digital financial product, with over 80 million dollars of small businesses that have women capital that have been created, so their time has come.

In an offensive financing system, a financial institution is created, its dates are not bilateral and another financial institution is available. Verringert die Informationasymmetrie zwischen den Instituten and fördert den Wettbewerb für New and innovative products, services and management models. So, like businesswomen, very small micros and medium-sized companies, they can communicate better and care for others, so that their jewelry goes best through unterbreiten Angebots.

Discussions about Open Finance are also recent and also present risks. The financial institutes also have more dates, if they are Dates and Verbraucherschutz of the existing Bedeutung. The extended wealth lines fordern deshalb öffentliche Behörden auf, un Herangehensweise zu entwickeln, the Verbraucherschutz und Innovation gegeneinander abwägt.

“New player companies can innovate and work together, but they are also focused on business services,” said IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. “The Wettbewerb is in Gefahr, when the agent within other sectors has financial dates, without its own measures being taken. Deshalb müssen staatliche Behörden the System streng überwachen, damit die Ziele der Richtlinie eingehalten werden.

The Director General of the Bank for International Settlements, Agustín Carstens, said: “Open finance is a very diverse concept, when it comes to an innovation and a wet approach, a research project and development of financial products. However, these benefits are not guaranteed if protection mechanisms and security mechanisms are taken into account. These joint projects, a project design project for “open finance”, aim to ensure the integration and creation of an effective Rahmenwerks project.

Under the title “Key Considerations for Open Finance” (Überlegungen zum Thema “Open Finance”), these guidelines are published by CGAP in the framework of the BIS, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Office of the Secretary of the Nations United. Special Counsel to the General for Financial Health (UNSGSA) and the World Bank.

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Lamis Daoud


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Feven Asfaw


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