
Stellantis brings a multi-energy platform to the market – Wirtschaft

Stellantis brings a multi-energy platform to the market – Wirtschaft

Reichweite von bis zu 1,100 km

November 20, 2024, 12:46 p.m. | Irina Hubner

The multi-energy platform STLA chassis with electric battery is designed for large electric vehicles, such as full-size pickups and SUVs, and the auf einen Rahmen aufgesetzt body is – a segment for everyone in North America.

Besitzer von Full-Size Trucks et SUVs wollen keine Kompromisse en Bezug auf Leistung et Langlebigkeit. You can get great information about features, practicality and training. The STLA-Frame platform is ready for use from 1,100 kilometers away with a range extender and 800 kilometers of BEV, a maximum load of 6,350 kilos or a final nut of 1,224 kilos ausgelegt ist. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Plattform die Realisierung von Fahrzeugen, mit denen man durch bis zu zu zu zu zu 61 Zentimeter tiefes Wasser fahren kann. It is also a procedure for lasting care and support measures.

To support Stellantis’ full-size vans, light vehicles and SUVs, STLA frame vehicles are equipped with a starter tool palette, which enables the full range of BEV variants and electric vehicle with extended autonomy (REEV). STLA Frame can be used for AC motors, hybrids and water-saving materials.

The range extender

With REEV system, battery, rear power module and electric power module (EDM), on-board generator and combined engine combination, the vehicle can last for a long time of transportation or transportation. There are only direct motor mechanisms that allow the generator to be used with EDMs with current, a repair tool and battery charging near the motor. Dadurch wird eine erweiterte Reichweite sous Lastbedingungen gewährleistet. Gleichzeitig wird das Drehmoment der Eektromotoren genutzt, das die Dynamik des Fahrzeugs auf a new level brought.

» Usually like STLA Medium and STLA Large, they are combined with STLA Frame for a perfect experience with a new level of training and reading. We offer you to discover the best and most successful companies and companies, trucks and SUVs, among their families in advance or their service providers, the best age classes in the Reich, from recent years and years of use”, commented Carlos Tavares, CEO of Stellantis. “With the new technology for BEVs and REEVs, we have suppliers and suppliers, the most modern ones are now without compromise, their first electrical device is auszuprobieren , bald Losungen ohne Kompromisse.«

An innovative design for greater performance and efficiency

STLA frame is best for stainless steel festival and bietet verbesserte Haltbarkeit and Steifigkeit bei geringerem Gewicht. The Verbeiterte Mittelteil beherbergt das Akkupack mit verstärkten Rahmenschienen, die den Akku im Falle eines Seitenaufpralls schützen. A construction project reduces the scope of aviation and strives to maximize the power of the Reich.

The platform is at the Platz für flüssigkeitsgekühlte Akkupacks mit 159 bis more and 200 Kilowattstunden. If this is the case, it will be affected by energy sources. Damit soll die Anpassungsfähigkeit für die kommenden Jahre gewährleistet sein.

Stellantis trains and mounts front and rear EDMs with up to 250 kW charging, which accelerates a quick commute and car ride in 4.4 seconds from 0 to 60 hours for a race (96.6 km/h ). Flexible federal designs, a unique flight federation, offering optimized operating instructions for multi-purpose vehicles and installations.

Wichtige Daten zu STLA Frame

  • Total length: 5.488 to 5.941 mm
  • Mounting length: 2.062 to 2.124 mm
  • Radstand: 3,143 to 3,690 mm
  • Free length: 168 to 262 mm
  • Maximum dimensions of the reifendurchmesser: 834/838 mm

Flexibility flexibility and two-way training

STLA Frame is for loaded models. BEV models can have 800 V DC power supply with 350 kW power in just 10 minutes and 100 kilometers (or a 161 kilometer journey) in record time. The REEVs have a 400 volt DC power supply with an output of 175 kW in 10 minutes up to 80 kilometers of charge.
Tools with the STLA frame platform also feature an ausgestattet bidirectional loading function.

Einzigartiger Multi-Energy-Ansatz

The STLA Frame platform is one of four global BEV platforms, in the focal point of Stellantis’ “Dare Forward 2030” strategic plans. At the presentation of the STLA-Medium-Plattform in July 2023 and the STLA Large in January 2024, the portfolio of a platform is not so expensive, the Stellantis have rich solutions for all objects and objects at the core level in a life of electrical engineering. liefern kann.

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