
War Thunder 2.41 “Firebirds” launches with legendary F-117A Tarnkappenjäger fighters, new models, light vehicles and many new versions

War Thunder 2.41 “Firebirds” launches with legendary F-117A Tarnkappenjäger fighters, new models, light vehicles and many new versions

War Thunder 2.41 “Firebirds” Update Available Now (Image: Clean)

The current version 2.41 of War Thunder brings a wide range of latest military hardware, standards, missions, technical specifications and optimized features. The Firebirds update provided the world’s first air travel with Ray-Tracing options, which allows for additional flights, new aircraft and speeds.

With version 2.41, which resembles “Firebirds”, Gaijin is a new chapter of the book War Thunder aufgeschlagen. The update does not bring new Jets, but it may last longer than the new Jets. Besonders erfreulich ist, because the iconic Tarnkappenjäger F-117A is not manufactured with the Spitzen model, but also with the Geschwader Flugzeug.

Highlights of War Thunder 2.41 “Firebirds” – Updates in detail:

  • Three national Leopard-Panzers operated by the French Tech-Tree.
  • More light drivers, responsible for the Scimitar, Luchs A2, Skink and ICV (P).
  • The Premium-Panzer Object 140 is not an available Russian Tech-Tree.
  • New premium and regular jets, such as the JA37DI, Su-22M4 and Tornado GR.4.
  • New Hubschrauber cockpits now updated.
  • The French Schlachtschiff Dunkerque and the French Küstenschiffe died during the beta phase.

There are also plenty of updates for missions and maps, which are also subtle. Ray tracing options are available in German: shadow maps, ambient occlusion and reflections (water and transparency). A new API option is Direct3D 12, compatible with anti-aliasing options like FSR 3.1 and XeSS.

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F-117 Tarnkappenjäger in War Thunder 2.41 (Image: Eigene Darstellung)