
Warning against terror at Full Moon Party in Thailand

Warning against terror at Full Moon Party in Thailand


ThailandTerrorist warning for Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan

Germany and Israel sprechen Reisewarnungen aus: Hintergrund seien Berichte über mögliche terroristische Anschläge speziell auf israelische Staatsbürger.

  • Deutsche Botschaft in Bangkok and Israeli authorities warn of events at the Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan.

  • There are legends that come from the Israeli state office in the center of potential terrorist attacks.

  • Trotz Sicherheitsverstärkungen empfehlen Behörden, Grossveranstaltungen zu meiden.

  • The Full Moon Party will take place from Monday to Friday for up to 30,000 tourists on Haad Rin beach.

The party of the Monatian Full Moon Party on the Thai island of Koh Phangan is that of the Deutsche Botschaft in Bangkok, a warning for possible potential risks. The background is confronted with most of the specialized terrorist organizations within the Israeli Staatsbürger among the people Feier am Freitag, teilte die Botschaft mit. The Full Moon Party will be held for years for unique tourists in the world on Haad Rin beach.

In the events there is a “hinweise zu möglichen terroristischen Anschlägen” auf the Parties auf der nördlich von Koh Samui gelegenen Insel gegeben, the Botschaft on your website. Other music festivals or concerts with old music concerts in other countries are available for information. Thai tourists love Full Moon Parties and other important events in their time here.

Israel Spricht Reisewarnung aus

Security measures in the province of Surat Thani were published, the security of Koh Phangan and the threat of numerous terrorist attacks against Israelis as well as information published by the newspaper “Bangkok Post”. Dennoch seien die Sicherheitsmassnahmen vorsichtshalber verstärkt worden, says police chief Sermphong Sirikhong.

Israeli media must manage internal Thai police documents from a single hotel room. Israeli authorities are working to get a warning for their state office. First, a woman heard Angriffe among Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam. The attacks were carried out worldwide as best anti-Semitic motivations within Austria.

The Full Moon Parties will take place in the late 1980s in better nightlife in Koh Phangan. Up to 30,000 men were not registered in this event, but they were also Monat under the Vollmond zu electronic Music von Techno bis Trance getanzt wird. (Wyoming)

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