
Three startups, we dropped our money

Three startups, we dropped our money

A successful market is full, it’s one. Wirklich etwas zu bewegen, ist etwas ganz anderes. Yesterday we had three startups, and they were finally launched.

Spotlight on startups, these did not take place within the framework of the Gründerszene-Berichterstattung geschafft – but we have trotzdem überzeugen.
Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

Is this what a startup has to offer? And how do you want start-ups to be effective? These fragments are described as the most dangerous. Entscheidend sind dafür eine Reihe von Bedingungen: darunter der Zugang zu Geld, the richtige Timing oder die Gründerinnen and Gründer self-and your Verkaufstalent. Dabei geraten Unternehmen und Gründer mit innovativenn Ideas and nützlichen Products often in the hinterland. We often have startups created, which are in companies so that all your ideas are dropped.

Coobi: Help with researching digital biomarkers

Was Coobi macht: The Berlin start-up Health-Tech has developed technology that allows men to undergo luxury therapy. It is a KI-based algorithm, which works on data on wearable devices and smartphones. The messages remain constant, but they must be correct when they are sent and if they are there, they are not. Coobi can therefore be able to identify the preventive Krisen – and the Verhindern Ausrutschern – sowie Trigger and negative Muster identifizieren, um die Suchterkrankung and their best Auslöser zu verstehen.

Here is the lost problem: Häufig erleben Suchterkrankte – also nach einer erfolgreichen Therapy – Rückfälle. Laut der Deutschen Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e. V. (DHS) is interested in alcohol use over half a year in the gas station analysis procedure at 33 percent – ​​also indicates the above. Ohne stationäre Therapy sei die
Rückfallhäufigkeit wesentlich höher. Helfen könne laut DHS eine active Nachsorge, beispielsweise durch Selbsthilfegruppen. Coobi offers a unique experience and an individual approach, which will help you better understand and use modern technologies such as KI and the generated digital biomarkers.

Here is what Coobi says: Die Stigma Health GmbH – the leaders of Coobi – were published in January 2024 by Paul Aretin, Manya Agarwal and Julian Kruse. Das Startup is one of the Spinlab accelerator programs and includes the investment program.

Aignostics: Mit KI Krankheiten erkennen und Medicamente entwickeln

Was Aignostics macht: The Berlin startup uses a KI algorithm, which can call on development experts for compliance checks. Bisher developed the technology auf das Erkennen von Lungen-, Brust- and Darmkrebs formed.

Here is the lost problem: A beispielsweise Krebs zu erkennen, müssen Mediziner bis dato Gewebe under the underlying Mikroskop. It’s time that passes; häufig können deshalb nur Stichproben untersucht werden. Ähnlich verhält es sich bei der Medikamentenforschung – Aignostics Haupt-Zielgebiet. The startups’ KI algorithms are designed to work efficiently, as well as drugs tailored to Krebs’ business.

What Aignostics says: The partnership between startups and the Berlin Health Institute is one of the initiatives of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Berlin Health Institute. Bereits 2011 was one of the largest startup groups, physicist and doctor Frederick Klauschen, research associate of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and the University of Berlin, a first patent for KI-based pathology. Aignostics started in 2018 with Maximilian Alber, Klaus-Robert Müller and Viktor Matyas. While the Health-Tech-Startup, under the other part of the Hight-Tech-Gründerfonds (HTGF), supports more than 50 million euros. As early as October, Aignostics invested US$34 million in a Series B round and will invest it in expanding the US market.

Veli: Senioren-Haushalte sicher machen

Was Veli macht: The Kassel startup has developed software, the KI mithilfe under the other management of the server and the server, a domestic project. So there may be problems in identifying and identifying abnormal situations, an alarm is triggered when the control panel screen is activated or the washing machine is not suitable or not available. This is why we all want human safety to change.

Here is the lost problem: Laut Statistischem Bundesamt published 2022 millions of men up to 65 years old. Das entspricht gut jede dritte Person (34 Prozent) in this Altersgruppe. If you do not know what situation you are in, you will be able to see the situation correctly. Gleichzeitig includes Angehörige tool and Pflegepersonen and ermöglicht Menschen im Alter – therefore long es geht – a self-bestimmtes Leben. One of the men comes up with the idea of ​​having fantastic style and an off button in the house that doesn’t exist.

Wo Veli says: The Startup took place in 2023 by Jan-Peter Seevers, Maximilian Schnettler and Tim Weiß and was created under the leadership of the Exist-Gründerstipendium and the Hessische Digitalministerium. For Kurzem, the team carried out a financing program and spent 800,000 euros.