
Absage: Puls Open Air 2024 comes to Munich

Absage: Puls Open Air 2024 comes to Munich

The war seiner Puls Open Air Zeit immer ein wenig voraus. We have other festivals at the same time as many other festivals, but we also have other festivals where Stars of Morgen – Magnets for a young scene, this long run is more beautiful. 2024 Waren das zum Beispiel Giant towers or der Operetten-Popper Berq. This month there will be a turbulent festival with evacuations and lively parties: “Matsch Love”. Zu den Konzerten offers workshops, live podcasts, parties and camping – the best experience, the best stimulation. Please note that the time of day of the Gelände von Schloss Kaltenberg is limited. But that’s not the case: Das Puls Open Air stops close to the year.

In Fachkreisen, there is a man who takes an “Aus” from the Rede; Gerade seit dem Abbruch wegen zu wenig Sicherheitspersonal 2022 habe das Festival eine Schlagseite. The new operating office, since 2023, the houses of the Ritterturnier Kaltenberg Veranstaltungs-GmbH, as well as the medical partner and program director, the “young content network of the Bayerischen Rundfunks”, see the company not being as dark, as on the holiday homepage schreiben: “The break is not a complete break with nuts, a festival deal with free time and an overview of the content of the public publications.”

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Auf Nachfrage erklärten die Puls-Verantwortlichen die Lage: “The Kaufverhalten is dynamic and another planbar, the new festivals are present, and also the inflation which is found at the Festivalmarkt bemerkbar gemacht. Darauf wollen wir sowohl structurell as auch programmatisch Answers finden and dafür benötigen wir Zeit.“

A grund problem arises when the problem arises. 8000 six days will last, will be charged. “Da geht noch more,” said a speech from the Ritterturnier GmbH. The principle of the Festival is without any noise under any other name. If you set yourself up to be a dynamic and dynamic partner, you’re asleep, and you’re still in control of the situation.