
Update 1.4.0 brings advanced features to stealth gameplay

Update 1.4.0 brings advanced features to stealth gameplay

Ubisoft has released update 1.4.0 for “Star Wars Outlaws” and one of the most critical features has been optimized. The new update offers more flexibility and freedom.

I’m launching Ubisoft’s women’s hat at Feinschliff von “The Outlaws of Star Wars” equipment. Entsprechende Änderungen flies under anderem mit dem heutigen Update 1.4.0 in das Spiel. With a size of 7.5 to 10 GB, the update is carried out in the device, performing work under the stealth mechanism.

Ubisoft offers more free time

Players will be informed when “Star Wars Outlaws” launches thanks to the Stealth-Abschnitte während der Story-Missionen. Yesterday there was a new update to be updated later. Ubisoft itself thought of an update for soft stealth tasks in quick quests.

Drew Rechner, the new creative director of the games, erläuterte: “Aber nachdem wir some euer Feedback angehört haben, ist uns clair geworden, dass wir more tun können, um euch noch more Freiheit zu geben. We also have a party, because the working mechanics are uneven and inconsistent.

With the help of the Stealth-Mechanik, you get the “Game Over” image when the player starts playing with Schleichen. Stattdessen wechseln sie nahtlos in einen Kampffmodus, was neue taktische Möglichkeiten eröffnet.

These measures do not allow the end of stealth measures. Schleichen bleibt a valid Option in “Star Wars Outlaws”. But players cannot launch it themselves, as their missions are completed. Laut Rechner war is what means stealth style is an alternative solution for others.

Open-world gameplay explained

Improved stealth mechanics bring update 1.4.0 for “Star Wars Outlaws” further. A new suggestion is the use of many union fighting options, which often need to be depicted in the best sequences. You will be able to use the delicate Waffen to protect it. You can play longer.

More information in update 1.4.0:

  • A strategic gameplay without delay, when the scenes of the Feinde hinzugefügt, die, wenn sie angegriffen werden, Explosionen auslösen or auf spectakulare neue Weise zum Tod der Feinde führen können.
  • Kays Blaster et Pickup-Waffen wurden neu abgestimmt, um das Kampferlebnis zu verbessern, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, in more Situationen Zweihandwaffen zu tragen.
  • Simulations and animations in the dialog boxes were carried out, the option to change the film direction of the games was carried out and the light was revealed by the light.

The war does not last all: The complete Changelog for the new “Star Wars Outlaws” update We have to wait until the end of the process. Mit dabei sind zahlreiche Fehlerbehebungen et Balance-Anpassungen.

The download size in the preview:

  • PS5: 7.44 GB (Version 01.004.000)
  • Xbox Series X/S: 10.18 GB (Version
  • PC: 8.83 GB (Version

More information about Star Wars Outlaws on PLAY3.DE:

The Holprige Start of “Star Wars Outlaws” was also created with the help of the publisher. “Shadows of Assassin’s Creed” zu verschieben. Das in Japan angesiedelte Spiel soll in which there is no longer any problembefore the morning February 14, 2025 the launch took place.

More information on Star Wars Outlaws.

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