
“I don’t want to experience this confrontation”

“I don’t want to experience this confrontation”

Gardening can be a great way to get outside, improve your mental health, and even grow your own food. It can also be a great way to deal with your neighbor’s questionable choices in radio stations, as one Reddit user recently showed.

“Hello fellow PNW gardeners!” » wrote the Redditor, posting in the subreddit r/pnwgardening. “I just moved into this space. We have a neighbor who plays radio shows all day every day and points directly at my office. I’m looking for something to block out the sound and not invade his space, since I don’t want to face this confrontation.”

Photo credit: Reddit

Fortunately, several other forum members offered advice on the types of native plants that could be used to create a sound barrier.

“The sound will be difficult to block with just plants, but red flowering gooseberry and false orange are two native species that would work well. False orange smells really good and is drought tolerant,” one commenter wrote. “Red flowering currant has beautiful red/magenta flowers in spring and should not need much water once established and producing berries in late summer/fall.”

“Thimbleberry is thornless, has pretty, white, native flowers, and grows surprisingly fast (like 1.5 feet per year). It will need a small stake or trellis to shape it, but it would mix well with the other suggestions,” wrote another.

“I too use plants to drown out my neighbor’s noises. I have found Oregon grape to be the best so far. I might also want to look into blueberry, salmonberry or blue elderberry for layering and diversity,” said a third commenter.

In other cases, some home gardeners have recommended planting entire walls of trees to block out unwanted noise.

As another commenter pointed out, whatever the original poster goes with here will probably take years to complete (and won’t act as a total sound barrier even if it does). But even if they don’t fully succeed in blocking radio broadcasts, they at least got a fun gardening project out of it, as well as the feeling of partial satisfaction that comes with doing it. something to solve a problem.

Many studies have found links between getting outside – hiking, camping, gardening, playing sports or otherwise – and improving mental health. Gardening, in particular, has been shown to reduce stress levels. So even if the original poster continues to experience unwanted noise, they will at least be better equipped to deal with it.

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