
Michael Fassbender stars in Erwägung ziehen, with Magneto zu spielen – X-Men: Days of Future Past

Michael Fassbender stars in Erwägung ziehen, with Magneto zu spielen – X-Men: Days of Future Past

Every time the creators of Deadpool and Wolverine have shown interest in Marvel (and the X-Men) among fans, they’ve been sold on their interest. But also for the interest of the other guards of the Schauspielers, the guarantee of the guarantee for the lives of the Superhelden ikonischen übernommen was. The highly successful comeback of Hugh Jackman had the greatest success in the world, with Michael Fassbender, who participated in an interview with the collider last time, the roll of the big magneto Bösewichts more aufzunehmen.

Nun, I think I should be able to work with Hugh. Weißt du, he is an absolute gentleman; He’s so talented. I’m a big fan of Ryan and them, it was with the hat from the Deadpool series.

Er betonte weiter, dass das Leben für ihn jetzt mit deux little young people anders sei, kam aber auch zu dem Schluss, dass “man niemals nie sagen sollte”.

Me, which Fassbender comeback in the Magneto roll was a success?