
KB5046732 Windows 11 23H2 (manual download) 22631.4541 and optional November update (available to everyone)

KB5046732 Windows 11 23H2 (manual download) 22631.4541 and optional November update (available to everyone)

(Updated 11/21/2024): Microsoft has KB 5046732 available to all free users. Windows 11 23H2 22631.4541 may be available in the free version of Korrektur. Downloads have natural reach.

(Updated 11/19/2024): Microsoft has KB5046732 updated again, but not yet for all free users. This is a single example version name, which matches the Windows 11 23H2 22631.4541 single-click version number.

Anders is also in the first update when not .Taxi/.psf, sondern als .Taxi/.wim Dateien zur Verfügung gestellt. Aber das nur nebenbei. We have already used KB5046732 as msu, which needs to be installed by PowerShell or Win10UI.

(Original 14.11.2024) Also for Windows 11 23H2, Microsoft has the new optional update as KB 5046732 released. You can now see the Versions number of Windows 11 23H2 22631.4534. This is the ability to optionally update that day, before arriving at the next time.

The update will soon be available in subproducts, which will apply and only have one. The update will be available in the RP channel and available for every day of the month.

Problem encountered by KB5046732

  • It’s just what we’re talking about

Korrekturen et Verbesserungen durch die KB5046732

  • Start Menu Neu! When you right-click on the answers, the start menu has already been selected and the answer picklists are displayed using the picklists.
  • Taskleiste Neu! Die Taskleiste zeigt ein verkürztes Datum und eine verkürzte Uhrzeit an. Also, the symbol of the storage conditions may not be changed, but if the “No storage” option is activated. When the Glocken symbol is not displayed, click on the date and time to obtain your information in the alarm center. Um zur Langform von Datum und Uhrzeit zurückzukehren, gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Datum und Uhrzeit. Activieren Sie ann den Schalter für “Uhrzeit und Tag in der Taskleiste anzeigen”. Use the Glocken symbol to display information > System > Useful information. Activieren Sie den Schalter für „Benachrichtigungen“. You can access these ideas via the context menu. Just click on the correct Maustaste on the watch or the Glocken symbol in the task list.
  • Touch screen Neu! This update provides a new solution for touchscreen functions. Go to Features > Bluetooth & Devices > Touch. Dort können Sie auswählen, ob Sie die Berührungsgesten am linken oder rechten Bildschirmrand deaktivieren möchten.
  • Maus Neu! With this update, the option is disabled to disable the update method for Installation > Bluetooth & Devices > Maus hinzugefügt. There is also a new option at the back of wealth, in the mouse scroll.
  • Task Manager
  • Neu! Die Dialoge “Trennen” and “Abmelden” present Dunkel mode and text transmission.
  • Neu! Der Abschnitt Leistung zeigt jetzt den Typ für jede Festplatte an.
  • Input Method Editor (IME) Neu! After installation, these updates will be created with IME symbol, when applications are found in a full image mode. Dies chieht nur, wenn die IME-Symbolleiste active ist und sie chinese order japanesche Zeichen eingeben.
  • Datei Explorer Neu! You can access Data Explorer context menu and built-in desktop for free Android device. To use this feature, you can use Phone Link on your installed and configured PC.
  • IFilters Neu! This type of Windows provides IFilters in Privileged Application Containers (LPAC) on top. LPACs are like App-Container, according to the most advanced standards. A process that is part of an LPAC project, which is not tied to resources, is beneficial. The process aims to understand the components and data of the system. If you do not have the potential to do so, you will have to reduce the process accordingly.
  • Dynamic Beleuchtungseinstellungen
  • Neu! On the other side of the page there is a changed position, we are not compatible with the computer. Außerdem sind the Steuerelemente für Helligkeit et Effekte deactiviert.
  • Neu! This update covers the wellness effects of Vanguard, Power, Power, and Power options. The gradient effect is available via the Vorwärtsrichtung option.
  • Sprachaugabe Neu! Wir haben dem Scan-Modus der Sprachaugabe neue Funktionen hinzugefügt. Mit der Funktion „Links überspringen“ (N’) können Sie zu dem Text nach einem Link navigieren. This is an interesting question when looking at long emails, detailed articles, and Wiki browsers. With the “Zu Listen springen” function you can see a list on a website or a document within a document. When testing these new functions, you may need to use the function keys (Win-Taste + Strg + Enter) and then Scan mode by pressing Feststelltaste + Leertaste einschalten et schließlich die new Tastenkombinationen – “N” and “L » – verwenden. Please note that the Scan-Modus and other Web pages (e.g. B. News-Artikel, Wiki-Seiten usw.) are currently active.
  • Sprache in Windows Neu! We have already used Sprache-zu-Text and Text-zu-Sprache-Erfahrung under Windows. Benutzer der Sprachhausgabe, des Sprachzugriffs, der Live-Untertitel, der Live-Übersetzungen et der Spracheingabe werden möglicherweise un Meldung sehen, in der sie aufgefordert werden, ihre Sprachdateien manuall zu actualisieren. Release dates are separate from the Microsoft Store displayed.
  • Instellungen Neu! Bespoke Experiences are a personalized offering in Out of the Box Experience (OOBE). You will find it on the Empfehlungen and Angebote page. Gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Datenschutz und Sicherheit. You can now see the installation disabled, the data coming from your device send a Windows to the application.
  • Translations:
  • (Motherboard-Tausch) Korrektur: Windows wird nach dem Austausch einer Mainplatine nicht activiert.
  • (Active Country and Operator Settings (COSA)) Behoben: This update brings the profile for the best management of mobile services to the new stand.
    -(Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)-Drucker) Behoben: Windows does not respond anymore, if you use an IPP-USB-Drucker.
  • (Bluetooth LE Audio) Settings: The settings, settings, and settings of Bluetooth-Audio are included.

Manual Download KB5046732 (Updated: 21.11.2024)

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