
Path of Exile 2: Sche** auf the Campaign

Path of Exile 2: Sche** auf the Campaign

Author :

Daniel Link

Quelle: GGG

11/21/2024 at 11:00 p.m. –

GGG studio talks about Kurzem Bekannt, as the current content of the early access version of Path of Exile 2 is available.

Path of Exile 2 at 6am ends in December with the start of Early Access. We will release the following items, but you must also release the Supporter Packs. PoE 2 should be used for everyone as the first one, it lasts for a long time when it is completely new. Die Tiefe, die Fans et dem ARPG lieben gelernt haben, soll jedoch erhalten bleiben.

The Path of Exile 2 is initially available in early access, the game is unnatural and not as familiar as the Vorgänger. The contractor created content in the EA version pack, which must be the case, as well as other themes from the campaign or the legend of Endgame.

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I came across Blizzard late on the focus on the release of Diablo 4 right in the middle of the campaign, we have many players on the release, because it is in Endgame it is not as old as you think can. Le PoE-Entwickler schlagen hier die völlig etere Richtung ein.

The release of Path of Exile 2 is planned for three actions of the campaign. New games are offered for approximately 25 hours of play. Today, the team has created a diverse Endgame system, and its community has been created to be supported.


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Are we a man from the end game, when the campaign is still hellish? Then the man who dritten Akt abgeschlossen hat, wird der Schwierigkeitsgrad “Cruel” freigeschaltet. Yesterday, the monster grew stronger, and then the beast fell asleep. The mode is simply obendrauf noch einige andere Überraschungen auf Lager haben. The first players in the campaign engaged in cruel games, before being able to reach the highest level, which is rich in the end of the game.

However, the rest of the action in the game is implemented, so the results are slightly different. It is therefore necessary that the country man only has one role play and can tackle the activities of Endgame. Neben den fahlenden Story-Akten werden im Verlaufe de Early-Access natürlich zahlreiche etere Dinge hinzugefügt, wie etwa weitere Klassen.