
Two Australian teenagers (19) are invited to drink Partydrinks

Two Australian teenagers (19) are invited to drink Partydrinks

Trauer a Holly and Bianca

Two Australian teenagers (19) are invited to drink Partydrinks

Holly trank mutmaßlich gepanschten Alkohol et starb an einer Vergiftung.

Facebook/Holly Bowles

If there is any trauma, it will not happen soon.

Nach dem Verzehr von mutmaßlich mit Methanol vergifteten Drinks in einer Bar in Vang Vieng (Laos) kämpfen 2 australische Teenager mehrere Tage um ihr Leben. It’s Bianca Jones (19) with her best friend Holly Bowles (19) and the gift manager.

All other Urlauber ebenfalls tot

The young woman’s family is the best, on Friday (November 22) in his circle of angels in a Bangkok hotel managed by him – a label near Bianca.

Australia’s best friends get away with it for their Schulabschluss den Traum vom Reisen. Mit 2 Rucksäcken geht es für sie en die große, weite Welt. Genauer gesagt in southeastern Laos. Sie Buchen Laut Daily Mail a vietägigen hostel in a Backpacker youth hostel. On the evening of November 11, you will be at the Bar der Herberge, play a card and start drinking drinks again.

This Bianca Jones Drink Bottle was used by Bianca Jones.

Photo Facebook/AP

Reading advice: Is alcohol gepanschter? Hannah Powell (22) looks at the morgens and the war blinds

Später stellt sich heraus: Ihre Drinks wurden mutmaßlich mit Methanol vergiftet. When distillation is not rich, it often generates alcohol with methanol. The material is a gift and can help you earn money in great companies to help you.

A Hostel Manager for Teenagers and a Motorrad in an örtliche Klinik gebracht haben. According to the Ernst der Lage deutlich wird, werden sie en größere Krankenhäuser im Nachbarland Thailand verlegt.

When you go to the Medien berichten, you will be aware of the fact that you will have to wait until the end of the day and the drinks will be served. Two Americans, a Briton and an American, have published the Daily Mail.

Reading advice: Der Bar-Besitzer streitet alle Vorwürfe ab.

The family is happy with Bianca

The Biancas family was celebrated on November 21 by the Herald Sun: “With Herald’s hand we have the night with us, and our daughter and daughter Bianca Jones manage.” » The family leaned into their support for the audience, who, after the fall of Australia, realized this. “If war of Liebe umgeben and es tröstet uns zu wissen, dass ihre unglaubliche Seele während ihrer Zeit bei uns si viele Leben berührt hat”Schreibt die Familie.

The local police force serves the Daily Mail. Discover all the hotels, hostels and bars in Vang Vieng to allow you to benefit from more services. Zu groß ist die Angst, because es noch weitere Touristen in the eigentlich idyllischen Kleinstadt treffen könnte. (dd)