
“Winterzauber für zwei” in the Giardino mountain

“Winterzauber für zwei” in the Giardino mountain

Mount Giardino in St. Moritz-Champfèr is one of the most beautiful trips in the Alps. In an interview I spoke to the hotel manager Cristofaro Bruna within the housing friends society, the vision of the house and the organization of a perfect woman for twice in the Engadine world . In the form of a special robot for reading and reading

*** Special winter exclusives for Finews-Leser ***

Specially for nice news-Leser:

  • Sonntag bis Donnerstag: CHF 635.- to CHF 795.- per night
  • Freitag and Samstag: CHF 795.- to CHF 1005.- per night

Opening hours: 13.12 – 20.12.2024, 05.01 – 14.02.2025, 23.02 – 23.03.2025, je nach Verfügbarkeit
Support: Tel. : +41 (0) 800 333 313 or by e-mail and This email address is for spammers only! Zur Anzeige must be integrated into JavaScript!

This angebot sowie der nachfolgende beitrag werden im Rahmen a commercial company cooperation 2 times “Hotel Giardino Mountain” and published.

Herr Bruna, warum sie Hotelier/Hoteldirektor geworden?

I’m going to be in a difficult situation, in men and wills. She is bereitet mir big Freude, a team for men, the mit Leidenschaft must arbeitet, den Gästen un Zuhause auf Zeit zu biten. Meine Leidenschaft für Service und Gastfreundschaft war dabei stets die treibende Kraft. Der Wunsch, Gäste willkommen zu heissen, ihnen Comfort zu bieten et unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu ermöglichen, steht für mich an erster Stelle.

Was it if the Merkmale, die Ihr Hotel von anderen abheben?

Das Giardino Mountain allows you to enjoy a unique blend of modern design and luxurious comfort in the alpine facility ab. It’s about the Engadiner Häuser, tradition and innovation, as well as a unique atmosphere. Guests have a great daily life in three restaurants, a coarse spa with a natural wellness center and a high-end cosmetics line. The 77 rooms and suites are individually and naturally inspired, and the hotel is located in an atembaubenden alpine region, ideal for hiking and skiing.

Alpine gemütlichkeit in der Engadiner Alpenlandschaft. (Image: zVg)

How to define your Gastfreundschaft and your excellent hosting service?

The mission of the Gastric Friends Association is to provide customers with an unusual maintenance service – beyond the Queen’s Night. Exzellenter Gästeservice heisst, ihre Erwartungen zu antizipieren, proaktiv zu handeln et ihnen massgeschneiderte Erlebnisse zu ermöglichen.

Is this hotel a perfect hotel for you?

For a perfect overnight stay, we offer you unique activities with a romantic trip through the Rosegtal, cross-country ski trails over the Diavolezza as well as the Corvatsch snow night with night ski slopes and stimulating events.

Zuhause auf Zeit. (Image: zVg)

What plan do you have for the hotel?

My plan for the hotel is not up to par, but it is not possible to go to the hotel, but it must also be a place to do business, and our host is in our house.

What do you think of the gastronomy at the Ihrem Hotel?

The gastronomy of our hotel awaits you, because it interests you in terms of quality, life and comfort for our legendary guests. We have many varied gourmet restaurants in our three premium restaurants: from local restaurants, traditional cuisines in the restaurant to new classic interpretations in hide and seek in the two Michelin star kitchens at Ecco.

A blend of modern design and luxurious comfort. (Image: zVg)

Was ist der beste Ratschlag, den Sie von Ihrer Mutter ou Ihrem Vater erhalten haben?

Der beste Ratschlag, den ich von meinen Eltern erhalten habe, lautet: “Behandle andere so, wie du self behandelt werden möchtest”. This is easy, but the kraft paper is ready for use by my Handeln – so I am beruflichen as well as in my private life. In the hotel industry, jedem Gast et Mitarbeiter mit Respekt, Empathie et Wertschätzung zu begegnen. Es erinnert mich daran, dass aufrichtige Gastfreundschaft et tout echtes Interesse an Menschen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind.

Konzepte Naturliche Wellness. (Image: zVg)

Christophe Bruna He died on June 25, 1987 in Licata, Sicily, and he flew within the Southern Region of the Southern Region and had a stunning temperament. Aufgewachsen à Cologne, vereint er die Herzlichkeit Süditaliens mit der Disziplin und Zielstrebigkeit seiner neuen Heimat, der Schweiz. As the general manager of a hotel, you bring better hygiene practices – a soaring entrepreneurial spirit – and a relationship with the Friends of the Hotel Association. With special attention to quality, team support and hosts’ wives, they are so good in the hotel business that they have a valuable name. In Freizeit you will find Cristofaro Ausgleich per Sport and seine Leidenschaft fürs Motorradfahren – Momente, in which the new energy for seinen anspruchsvollen Beruf schöpft. Mit seinem Charisma et seiner Tatkraft is not an inspiring hotelier, but a human person, but in everything, was so good, genuine.

*** Exclusive Winter-Special for Finews-Leser ***

Specially for nice news-Leser:

  • Sonntag bis Donnerstag: CHF 635.- to CHF 795.- per night
  • Freitag and Samstag: CHF 795.- to CHF 1005.- per night

Comment: 13.12 – 20.12.2024, 05.01 – 14.02.2025, 23.02 – 23.03.2025, I nach Verfügbarkeit
Buchung: Tel: +41 (0) 800 333 313 or by email and This email address is for spammers only! Zur Anzeige must be integrated into JavaScript!

This angebot sowie der nachfolgende beitrag werden im Rahmen a commercial company cooperation 2 times “Hotel Giardino Mountain” and published.