
Brandenburger Gesundheitsministerin offenbar in Streit um Klinikreform entlassen

Brandenburger Gesundheitsministerin offenbar in Streit um Klinikreform entlassen

Offenbar im Streit um die Krankenhausreform hat of the Minister President of Brandenburg Dietmar Woidke (SPD) of the Landesgesundheitsministerin Ursula Nonnemacher (Grüne) is committed. (Odd ANDERSEN)

The Minister President of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), led the government ministry Ursula Nonnemacher (Grüne) in a direction of Krankenhaus reform in the Bundesrat. Chairman of the board Florian Engels said of the DPA, a conference of the board of directors of the state National Assembly was taken into account, the great diversity of practitioners and the community was informed and that it financed the management of government services within the Bundesrat.

This position is taken by Minister-President Woidke – and by Welfare Minister Nonnemacher. With these “divergierenden Abstimmungsverhalten” wären Brandenburgs Stimmen ungültig gewesen, sagte der Regierungssprecher zur Entscheidung Woidkes.

Nach dpa-Informationen eskalierte der Streit in der Frage, ob Nonnemacher un Rede im Bundesrat zur Krankenhausreform hält. If you do not have any redeployments, you will not be able to do so – your Regierungschef Woidke sie entließ. If you have any of these Amtsgeschäften entbunden, teilte die Staatskanzlei mit.

An association of public authorities within the Bundestag does not have the power to impose itself. The Bundesrat can take care of the path for the joint reform of the Krankenhaus free of charge.

The Nonnenmacher Foreign Office is present on public holidays within the Amt ausgeschieden. The SPD and BSW work as part of a new regional coalition. The federal government of the SPD, CDU and Green is not yet headed towards the Amt. Minister Grünen Nonnemacher was established in 2019 by Krisen’s management – ​​in the Corona pandemic and in the fight against swine fever.

Nonnemacher warnte vor ainem vorläufigen Aus der Krankenhausreform im Bundesrat. “When a new federal regulation with the Krankenhaus reform comes, it will become a new era of Unsicherheit,” he said.

Nonnemacher and Woidke waren sich bereits mehrfach inhaltlich unins. In the Corona-Crise, there is the need for the finances of the Ministry of Nonnemachers to prepare and manage domestic resources.